Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are four wise creature-like natures who all assume human form while on Earth. They portray heralds of the Apocalypse, and are triggered by Lucifer's release from the Cage. Although it was insinuated by War's claim that their essences and influence were still very-much present before Lucifer's release. The four are known respectively as: War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death. The Horsemen are neither angels nor demons, but rather a separate kind of being that cannot be destroyed. Each possesses a special ring that allows them to channel and focus their powers. The Horsemen are revealed to not truly be on either side, Heaven or Hell, but rather they are ultimately loyal to one another and their jobs for which they were created.
The only way to kill the Four Horsemen or Deactivate them is to take their ring off.The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse:
War - - - - Famine - - - - Pestilence - - - - Death

Supernaturals guide to hunting
RandomIt's every monster sam,Dean,Bobbie,and john have seen or hunted. This book tells everything from there abillites to how to kill them