At night in Ghost ship, Ezra and Zeb were playing dejarik in common room but suddenly there were no light and blacked out. They shocked at the time "Alright, who's turning off the light ?!" Zeb asked seriously as Ezra tried to open the door and it wasn't working "I need some muscles here." He said to Zeb.
Zeb said smiling "I thought you never ask." He opened the door as strong as possible. Then they heard Sabine need them to help her. Ezra tried to open the door with the force and soon after that, he did it. Finally Sabine got out from her room.
"It's fourth times this happen in this week. We better tell Hera." Sabine said and they nodded.
They tried to get out from Ghost ship but they couldn't see anything because it was too dark to see clearly. Suddenly they heard someone was looking for them. Ezra pointed his flashlight to someone and they shocked at the time but it turned out it was Kanan.
"There you are, sorry made you scared." Kanan apologized to them. "Come on, let's get out from here !"
They went outside to see Hera and Chopper were checking the problem soon after that Chopper found some wires burned and Hera told that they could fix it at morning. Everybody shocked at the time.
"Where are we sleeping ?" Sabine asked worrily.
Ezra was thinking then he had an idea. He told the plan to his crew and started working.
They took many fabrics and a latern to make more light at night sky. 15 minutes later, finally they finished it all. It were sleeping bags around them. "Well, it looks like we gonna camping." Zeb said. "Yes, we are and there's one thing that I wanna share with you all." Ezra said.
He immediately doing something with his latern and here came star laser at night sky. Everybody were impressed what just they saw. Ezra glad that they liked it "This is the latern of hope-star. Whatever you wish, this latern will keep your wish till it come true, example my old wish." He showed everybody another star laser.
Here another star laser appeared at the sky. It was drawing of Ezra was using his first lightsaber blaster. They susprised at the time.
"Woah, I'm so susprised !" Kanan said.
"You should do. If your wish come true, star laser will show us what was your hope before." Ezra explained to them.
"Can we try ?" Sabine asked.
Ezra nodded "Sure. Make a wish."
Everybody were making wishes to that latern, one by one. After all made wishes, Ezra wanna made another wished. "Alright everybody, we should sleep. Tomorrow it will another busy day." Hera said and they nodded and fell asleep except Ezra. He looked at star laser still appeared his old hope.
He smiled at the time and he really hope that his new wish will come true. He sang a song A Million Dreams Reprise. After he sang, he fell asleep. He glad he can show his crew his happiness.

Ezra's Journey Life
FanfictionEzra so lucky have his crew as his new family. He wanna make something for them. Also he got his own journal when he was little. Wanna find out about them ? Let's read this story ?