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  A girl is helpful

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  A girl is helpful.  


Reena had never had an easy life. Starting from her mother death when she was only six years old. To her being tortured for not going by the rules, for always refusing any man that want to bed her, including the king himself. But after after some time she learned the hard way that having sex with someone is much more easier than being whipped.

Her beauty is pure Arab. Well, as far as she know. She inherited her mother beauty who is full Arab. the same rich brown eyes and the darkest hair ever. She's a different kind of beauty to the Vikings world.

It's the day after Ivar asked the old fool for help. Floki and Reena spent the whole night working on something to help Ivar on the war to come. But how does a man without the use of his legs fight with an army into battle, though? They came up with a lot of ideas but non of it would work with Ivar. And knowing him he will not be satisfied with him only sitting back shooting arrows. He want to be on the front row, with his brothers, fighting along side them to avenge his father's death. Just like he asked him to.

And that when Reena remembered what the Roman used to entertain themselves when she went with King Abdurahman as his personal slave on his royal trip. They have an event called Chariot Racing. They used a type of carriage driven by a charioteer using horses to race. It's dangerous to both drivers and horses as they often suffered serious injury and even sometimes death, but these dangers added to the excitement. Perfect for the boneless.

At the moment, Reena is petting the beautiful white horse as she is waiting for Floki's returns with Ivar to show him his legs.

She always dreamt of exploring the world, finding new places and learning new cultures and different kind of languages. She don't want to disappoint her self twenty years from now by the things she did not do. She's a bird who has been caged far too long, longing to spread it wings. And maybe that's why most of the animal she met loved her. She's just like them.

She was feeding the white beauty when Floki came with Ivar on his back. Ivar's blue eyes landed on the Arabic beauty with a confused look before he looked at the chariot. "What is it" He asked "It's your legs, Ivar. It's your wings." he said proudly, presenting him with a chariot. He was also proud of his daughter for without her, he probably would not come up with a form for Ivar's wings. Ivar stroke the wood before her turned to Floki and Reena who came up to stand next to him, she can't help but admire the childlike wonderment in Ivar's eyes as he realizes what Floki gifted him. "Is it really for me?" he asks, astonished, before breaking into giggles. Meanwhile, Floki looks on with a father's pride.

 "Reena came up with the idea." Floki smiled proudly at her while stroking her hair. It was a strange feeling to her but she liked it, smiling a little while looking at the ground. Floki helped the youngest Ragnarson to get on his chariot "You are smarter than you look" Ivar said. Reena smiled at him causing his heart to skip a beat. "Just don't get yourself killed on your first battle" He gently took the reins from Reena. "If the gods will it, so be it." He said before kicking the reins against the white horse causing it to run. Reena watched him as he disappear into the fog. Floki stoke her head before he also leave. With Ivar legs, it's time for the Great Heathen Army to truly come together.The chariot will allow the youngest son of Ragnar to lead alongside his brother with their soldiers to war in Wessex as they take vengeance on King Ecbert for what he did to Ragnar.

Before heading home, Reena went to a small lake she walked by earlier. She walked to the edge of the lake. She gently puts her hand into the water, testing the temperature. Smiling in satisfaction knowing that she will enjoy her swim. She took off her light red dress, oblivious to a pair of rain-blue eyes watching her.

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