Chapter 1

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"Alright here are your test." Iruka starts passing out the papers in his hand. "Remember to keep your eyes on your own paper and-"

"Iruka." The teacher turns to the doorway and scowls, seeing the silver hair and blue face mask.

"Hatake-san." Iruka sighs through his nose, "I don't have time for-"

"They found another one." The whole class freezes. "Hokage-sama wants you to come along. Kurenai said she'd watch your class but we have to move, quickly."

"Hai." Iruka sets the test on his desk and sprints after the Alpha. He barely registers his fellow Omega going into his classroom to calm his students down. He'd understand if she just put in a movie and they did the test another day. But first he needed answers.

"How many?"

"There sending in every available team and the ANBU." Kakashi hands him the file as they get into the squad van, following the other six out of the facility. "I wouldn't look at the pictures but if you do, be prepared."

"Oh my god." Iruka gasps. Kakashi rumbles, trying to sooth the Omega. Iruka rumbles his thanks and then goes down the list of names. "How long have this place been active."

"A few years."

"And why are we just now finding out?! What group is it?"

"Cause the building was located in Sound." Kakashi takes a sharp right and throws out a hand to steady the Omega, "They messed up though, invited a Shinobi of Sand to... participate. Operation got found out this morning, that's why we have to move quickly before they pack up and leave. They're thinking this was Akatsuki Headquarters, considering the number of Omegas trapped there."

"Akatsuki?! I hate these guys; the things they do.... It's like an Omegan puppy-mill. Those poor kits." Iruka shakes his head, "Where are they planning on putting them?"

"They plan on finding out where they live and sending them to their local Nest." Iruka nods his understanding and Kakashi growls, "Most of them were stolen before they presented so they'll want to go home to be with their families. There are others that don't have that option, so they'll be going to the Suna or Konoha Nests until they're either Mated or decide to leave on their own."

"Ok." Iruka says, "Why call in the Omega squads? Are we hoping for the best and preparing for the worst, kind of thing?"

"Yeah." Kakashi hums. "We're here."

The Alpha pulls up next to the other squad vans and the two men get out, heading to the ANBU General to get their gear and assignments. The location was a small mountain in the middle of nowhere, that had been hollowed out with cave systems.

The ANBU General takes a quick head count before starting. "Alright! Our inside man says that they're not going to be expecting us, so we have to move quick and quiet. Kakashi, Iruka, Anko, and Gai are on extraction. I want you to take The Room. Yamato, stay here and wait for the local police and Shinobi reinforcements. Everyone else is to bring out the freed Omegas and put them in the vans or take them to the Medics. ANBU on standby for clean up. I have no doubts we'll lose a few of the Akatsuki with the number of Omegas in there. Try not to scare the little ones too much, yeah?"

The four glance at each other. The Room was also called the Breeding Room; the Omegas they'd find in there would be some of the most traumatized in the whole building. It'll be even worse if they're not prepared for the Shinobi, meaning the room will be 'in use'. Iruka gulps but gets his gear on as well as he can with shaking fingers. Kakashi sees him struggle and goes to help, ignoring the sympathetic and amused looks they get.


Kakashi leads the group through the front door, as the Alpha, his Sharingan out and searching for any signs of life. Iruka falls in line as his second and the others follow close behind. The first room the group comes upon is empty; a showroom. The stage had a pole in each corner and a Breeding Bench in the center, spotlights aimed at it.

The showrooms where used as a place to watch the new Omegas being broken in. The Omega would be strapped into the Breeding Bench and put on display for Alphas to watch as they're raped and knotted by multiple Breeders. They would keep going until the Omega either stopped fighting or was impregnated. Kakashi waves Iruka past before he opens the door and lets another team do a thorough check.

"You ok?" He looks at the Omega. "If this is too much, let us know and we'll send you outside. You don't have to do this if you can't handle it."

"I'm ok." Iruka swallows, "Let's keep moving."

Kakashi shares a concerned look with the only other Alpha in the hall, Asuma. They had both been part of the extraction team that had saved Iruka from an Akatsuki Breeding-mill in their youth. The two Alphas remembered finding him tied to a Bench with an Alpha inside him. Kakashi remembered seeing the half-starved Omega with a soft belly and a fire in his dead eyes. He remembered Shifting into his wolf form and ripping the Alpha out of him, burying his teeth in the older Alphas neck and tearing his head from his body. By the time he was done with the Alpha-Breeder, Asuma had cut Iruka free and was pulling him out the Bench. They remember the horror of watching Iruka steal the knife Asuma had freed him with and stabbing himself in his stomach, repeatedly, screaming "Never again!"

Iruka still had his scar; he'd forced a miscarriage and been pronounced barren at the hospital. He never be able to have kits after mutilating himself, and it took years for Kakashi to figure out why. For Iruka, this mission would hit too close to home and both Alphas were on the lookout for any signs of a breakdown.

They find a couple more showing rooms and a number of clinics and private rooms too. They're halfway through the mountain when they find the holding cells. Hundreds of cages stacked on top of each other, rows that seemed to go on for miles. They get to work as soon as the doors open, causing a lot of noise as the Omegas cry out in fear. They wheel carts in, pulling the cages down and taking them outside to get an inventory and to cut the locks off.

Kakashi was helping Iruka pull one of the cages down that had a young Omega with only one eye, when Asuma comes up to him. "They're finding empty cages, some ziptied closed and some with key locks. They're moving them off to the side until we know what they're for, but they already moved some of the Omegas outside. The ones that can talk are telling the police how to get into contact with their families, the others are waiting for blood testing."

"Home?" The male Omega in the cage whispers. Iruka kneels down and coos at him to try and keep him calm in the presence of two Alphas. "You're taking us home?"

"The ones that have homes they wish to return to, yes." Kakashi kneels down, "The others will be taken to Omega Nest in the big cities for medical treatment and schooling. We'll try to get as many as we can help so the can become normal citizens without fearing they'll be taken again."

"I can't go home, un." The little Omega whimpers, "Mama will just sell me again, un."

Kakashi and Asuma share a look while the Omega turns to Iruka, "Why are you helping these Alphas? Is one of them your Breeder?"

"No." Iruka reaches through the bars to pull the hair out of the bleeding eye wound. He pulls away and lifts his pants leg, showing the Omega his old tag; a series of letters and numbers under a red cloud. "I was were you are when I was little. These two were part of the team that saved me. They're close friends."

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