The dads as Vines I quote a lot

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Idk anymore


Brian: Maxwell, do you want the ball?

Brian: *Throws it into a corner with bottles*

Maxwell: *Follows it and knocks everything over*


Hugo: Alright, who's excited for another day of school.

Amanda: Literally none of us.

Hugo: Me neither, let's get the check outta here.


Amanda: *recording from the roof* "Two bros, chillin in a hot tub, five feet apart 'cause they're not gay!"


Joseph: " I'm in love with a man."

Dadsona: "Oh jeez..."

Joseph: "His name..."

Dadsona: "Please don't."

Joseph: "... is Jesus!"

Dadsona: *screaming*


Idk, actually. Sorry


Robert: *puts all kinds of soda in one cup*

Robert: *takes a sip* "Fuck you."


Mat: Hey, how ya doin. Well I'm doin just fine. I lied, I'm dying inside

Bonus round:


"Two shots of vodka" she says, pouring way more than two shots.


Amanda (to the Emmas): So when I'm around you gonna be doing this:

Amanda: *crazy hand motions*

Amanda: But when I'm gone you gonna be doing this

Amanda: *crazier hand motions*


Val: "Hey, I'm lesbian."

Someone: "I thought you were American???"


*G note*

Lucian: *Freaks the fuck out and runs out of the house*

Damien: "Where are you going?"

Lucian: "To join the black Parade!"


Christie: So I've been hearing people say that I'm like, nine or ten years old. I'm eleven, so sHUT THE FUCK UP!

Okay, bye!

Should I add Saul (guy you see during the cult ending) in? Do you guys want to see stories with him? Let me know.

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