Dakota's POV
Walking in the middle of the forest toward the meeting spot for our pack I smiled to myself. Sam came out from the bushes a gave me a look. "Dude, what's with the stupid grin."
My smile broadened as I thought of the kiss. Sam must have read his mind because he burst out laughing. "Ha! You finally tapped her?"
I growled. "No. I just kissed her. That's all."
Sam rolled his eyes, "Whatever." Kelli came up to us in wolf form then shifted back.
"Hey Dakota. What's up?" She asked.
"Nothing much. You?"
She sighed in frustration. "The new Alpha sucks. He's had me running all day. My feet feel like they've been walking over hot coals."
I chuckled. "Hopefully he will learn that being Alpha isn't always about commanding."
"Dakota!" A familiar voice said behind me.
"Speak of the devil..." I muttered and turned to see David. "Yes, almighty Alpha." I said sarcastic. I did this to the Alpha before. As a Dark it's basically my nature to cause havoc, and I loved the thought of me causing it.
"Shut up, Dark." He spit at me. "I need you to scout out the new wolf. There is one going criss-cross between the Denali's territory and our territory. Find the wolf, and either kill it or make it join us. If it decides to join the Denali pack kill it."
My eyes widened, but only for a second. We both knew I didn't, no, wouldn't kill if I didn't have to. So I wouldn't. Still, I already knew who the new wolf was. Why he didn't say something about someone scouting her earlier, I didn't know.
"Why don't you get one of the others to scout it. I am after all a Dark." I retorted.
He rolled his eyes. "I'm Alpha now. There's no better reason for you to follow orders Do as I say." He shoved me and my wolf growled in anger. I was about to loose my temper. I was stronger than him. I could take him.
"Dude, come on. I'll help." Sam said tugging me away from what could have been a major blood bath.
Kelli followed us past the Alpha's meeting place. We walked a little bit until we came to the rest of the Darks. They all looked at me... there leader.
"Hey, Boss." Said the new kid Derek. "Any new assignments?"
"Yep." I said.
One of the more older Darks gave me an evil grin. "Do we get to kill any Denali?"
I smiled back even more evil. "Maybe next time." I didn't want to tell them that we were going to find Brooke. I had to lead them astray. "We are going after a new werewolf." I eyed Sam and Kelli. They nodded understanding. "Last time the scent was spotted it was Northeast of here about five miles away from our border."
They all nodded. Matthew, who has a knack for being a man-hoe, asked me in a low hungry voice. "Is it a girl." The rest of the Darks looked at me with the same look.
I growled at them in protectiveness. They all backed down not knowing what to think of my reaction. I couldn't let them see me like this. If they knew what was going on I would be in serious trouble.
"Don't think like that. The new wolf is to be brought to the Alpha."
"What if the new wolf is a Denali?"
My eyes flickered among the crowd with anger. I was trying to avoid this question. "That's up to the Alpha. We bring her in." I lied smoothly. Lying came natural to the Darks. Its one of the reasons we are "exiled."

WerewolfBrooke Milo has always tried to live life normally. She tried to be the one who was never noticed. However, Brooke has a secret. This secret has made her feel more out of place then ever. Especially when she moves to Wolf tree, Montana. A tiny town...