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Roman was gone leaving Vika and myself to our own devices, turning I found she had still been watching us closely with an almost envious gaze to her. I had hoped that in the years we had been apart that she would have found somewhere she would be able to settle down, meeting someone and rebuild her life but she had warned me. The Hunters had seen her as a traitor and then they had lost one of their own because of her actions, I could only imagine that that hadn't set well with their community. Guilt chewed at my stomach once more, everything she suffered had been because she had helped me, as Roman had said we owed her a lot and letting her have a safe place to stay was only the beginning of that. I gave her a reassuring smile, "Are you hungry?" She shook her head. "All right well let me show you around the house, you guys can stay here as long as you would like."

She seemed to let out a deep breath of relief, as if she had worried that I would turn her away now that she had revealed the truth about Adrian. "Thank you, Adalyn."

Reaching out I pulled her into a tight hug, at first, she stiffened and hesitated in my arms but then she relaxed as she wrapped her arms around me in return. "I never wanted this life for you Vika. I had hoped you would have been able to settle somewhere but you can do that here. They won't come on our lands they haven't in years."

"I'm sorry about your dad." She murmured quietly, and I could hear the same grief that speared through my heart at the mention of Nicholas LaRue. Even after all these years I grieved for the loss of my father no matter how necessary it had been, a big part of me still wished things had been able to end in a different way. "But I can't stay if Adrian isn't allowed, I can't abandon him."

I tightened my hold on her. "We will figure things out with Adrian." I explained before withdrawing. "Do you think he can handle the truth?"

"He is one of the most trust worthy I know, he would never do anything to risk your exposure, especially if we come to find out he is one himself."

"Come on let me show you around." I said motioning for her to follow me from the kitchen effectively changing the subject. It just wasn't something I was willing to think about until it came to be true, even though I knew I wasn't going to be able to avoid him. Vika was of course anxious to check on him by the time I had showed her the house and I led her to the spare room Roman had already set up for their stay.

His scent hit my nose as soon as I pushed the door open and suddenly I caught the same thing that Roman had. It was faint but the scent of wolf was there buried beneath the human blood in him. He was still asleep, his face turned away to the wall opposite of the door his auburn locks a deep color against the white of the pillow, his body was relaxed and pain free, his breathing slow and deep. The guys must have helped him change, the dirty and bloody jeans he had arrived in were in the trash can beside the door and he wore a pair of loose gym shorts in their place. I smiled at their thoughtfulness as Vika hurried in to drop beside him running her eyes over him clearly checking for any other injuries, and when she had assured herself that the bandaging Roman and Kaden had put in place were efficient enough she finally relaxed. Running her fingers through his hair gently I saw her let out another deep breath of relief and in that moment I was grateful for his presence in her life, grateful that she had someone she loved after all, even if it wasn't in a romantic sense.

"He has been through so much, I had hoped coming here would help him." I could tell she wasn't so sure anymore and honestly, I couldn't blame her for feeling that way. If Adrian's wolf was suppressed the same way mine had been then it was possible being around the pack would generate the need to shift. The first few shifts were going to be rough for him, that I knew first hand and I knew it wasn't going to be easier for him to understand than it had been for me. Once he learned the truth about the people after him, about himself, his entire life was about to flipped upside down.

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