~ thirty-one

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( chapter thirty-one;
heArtbreak runs in the fAmily )

( chapter thirty-one;   heArtbreak runs in the fAmily )

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TWO BODIES WERE ACCIDENTALLY INTERWIND on the soft mattress of Madison's bed. Her leg had managed to wrap around Caleb's, whilst her head and hand remained firmly on his chest.

She inhaled as she woke, feeling the warmth of the sun shining through the open-curtain window. Madison's eyes slowly opened, staring at her hand infront of her face. Her head was pounding from the night before.

Madison lifted her head to see she was on Caleb. The brunettes eyes widened and she tried to move her leg off him without disturbing him. She failed. Caleb quietly groaned as his eyes fluttered open. Madison moved off of him and sat up.

She pressed her hand to her forehead, watching Caleb push himself up against the headboard, "This is the second morning in a row I've woken up on you."

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Considering the amount I drank, I don't feel too bad." Madison told him, "I don't really remember much after being outside The Grille. Was I annoying?"

Caleb let out a soft chuckle, shaking his head, "No more than usual. I did manage to drag you home without any witty insults."

She exhaled, trying to gather her thoughts. Madison ran her hand over her face, "Oh God, we have school, and I have a stupid play to rehearse."

Caleb furrowed his eyebrows, "I thought you wanted to do the play?"

"It was just a distraction," Madison told him, "but it's not helping, at all."

"Distractions from what?" He questioned, but she refused to answer.

"My heads starting to hurt." She pressed her hand against her throbbing temples, "I didn't have a night terror, did I?"

"No." Caleb shook his head, "Just alcohol."

"Thank you for getting me home." Madison flashed him a genuine smile, "You didn't have to stay."

"You asked me to," He responded, his voice becoming lower as he stared intently at her, "and I wanted to."

It fell silent between the two. Madison pushed her fringe behind her ear as she awkwardly scanned Caleb's face, trying to think of what to say. She noticed a small fallen eyelash on his cheek.

"You have a, uh, eyelash... here." She gently picked up the fallen eyelash off of his cheek, and quietly chuckled as she stared at it on her fingertip, "Make a wish."

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