Chapter 3-Old wounds

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Day 25
Pony slowly slid the blade down his leg. He hissed in pain as he reached over and grabbed some toilet paper as the razor in his hands dropped to the floor. He badged his now freshly bleeding legs. He didn't stop the bleeding well.
He eventually bleed out onto the floor. His body dropped to the side. He gulped as his eyes slowly closed. He could hear his brother's entered the house. He smiled thinking he would finally be seen by his brother's again. So what if he was dead? At least someone would care.
At least, he hoped they would care.
No one came. He only woke up at the end of the night as the moon light shine threw the bathroom window. He laid there and cried for a while as he looked as his older cuts.
Moonbeam slowly slid her tiny fingers up and down the olds self harm cute. Her he's tilted to the left lightly. Her brown eyes had a look of wonder in them. She cooed as she slowly began to rub her saliva on his legs.
"Ewww. No moonbeam don't do that!" Ponyboy giggled picking the baby up. She giggled loudly seeing his face again. It had been so long since they had last seen each other. Well, it was really just under five minute ago but, before that it had been 8 hours!
Why? So far he had been dropping her off at a daycare that was just starting up. It was run by a new couple new to this area of town. They didn't check papers due to not wanting to report any illegal children that may be returned home. Then there was also the fact that they never told Ponyboy's brother's when he came to pick his 'cousin' up. They just assumed they made him bringing the baby there while the worked.
Which meant he had to raise a baby while he did his homework. Yet, he had learned that he could do it all during lunch hour. Homework was fairly easy for him.
She brought him out of his train of thought by giggling as her tiny fingers ran up and down the scars. They looked like pretty little lines she could draw when she got older. Her eyes shined brightly as they meet Ponyboy's.
"You're to cute for me." Ponyboy smiled brightly reaching down and picking her up in his arms. Moonbeam cooed snuggling closer to him. She smiled reaching up and cupping his face in her hands. Ponyboy smiled at her before his eyes landed on something in the corner of his room. An old empty orange pill bottle laid on his floor near a trash can.
Pony sighed looking at the bottle in his hands. He glanced at the note behind him once. Only once. Then he downed the entire thing at once.
The tiny blue pills filled his mouth cutting of his air way. All he had to do was swallow. Then he could be done with this all. Done with the pain and regrets and guilt.
Yet, he couldn't do it. He didn't have enough air to swallow the pills. He began chocking in his room. His hands wrapped around his neck as his eyes began to water. He could feel himself suffocating on the pills.
"Oh my god Pony!" Two bit yelled racing into the room. He raced over and began patting him on the back trying to get him to spit out what ever was in his mouth. Ponyboy's grip on his neck got tighter trying to keep this from happening.
Yet, he ended up spitting all the pills up against a wall. Two-bit gasped seeing what had just happened. The pills scattered making tiny noises as they hit the floor.
"Jesus Christ Pony why would you even try something this stupid?" Two-Bit asked hugging him. Ponyboy hugged him back sniffling a bit, holding back tears.
"I-It's my fault." Ponyboy sniffed.
"What is?" Two-Bit asked as he raced his hand through the younger male's hair. Ponyboy broke down sobbing saying it was his fault Johnny had died and that Dallus couldn't be there with them. Two bit held him close asking him why he thought this while promising him it wasn't his fault. He kept saying it while Pony cried and cried. Eventually Pony cried himself to sleep.
Moonbeam smiled picking up the bottle of pills she found under his pillow. She began shaking it like a baby radial. She giggled loudly while the bottle made a little noise.
Ponyboy's eyes filled with panic seeing this. He sighed reaching over and picking her up. Then he proceeded to take the bottle out of her tiny hands.
She cooed at him looking at him curiously. Her brown eyes watched as he tossed the bottle in the tiny trash can. Then she was looking at the male who was holding her before whining. Why did he have to take away her new toy?
"That's dangerous Moon. I promise I'll get you new toys later in life." He smiled down at her. Moonbeam pouted looking up at him letting out another whine. He smiled looking down at her. Then he nuzzled her head with a giggle.
"You are to cute." He smiled. Moonbeam giggled before she ended up dozing off in his arms again. He smiled down at her again.
"And tired to apparently." He smirked. The he let out a yawn.
"So am I." He mumbled before dozing off, dreaming of the future and all that would come their way.

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