Calum's POV
Friends? Well fuck me. No, wait, I wanna kill that fucking therapist for telling me that. I don't wanna be friends, I want to kiss her, I want to hold her hand, every single day, but that wouldn't happen because I listened to my freaking therapist.
Ugh. I'm so frustrated right now. It took a lot in me to say those things. Maybe I should take it back.
No. I'm seeing a therapist for a reason and I have to listen to her. I'm not wasting my money.
I'm sure you all are asking why I'm seeing a therapist. Well you're never going to find out so fuck off.
We're currently in the plane, going home after three days in New York. Not gonna lie, I enjoyed those past three days, especially because I was with June.
Everything I said to her in Luke's party were all just because I was mad and I'm glad we talked when both of us weren't mad.
"Shit." June cursed from beside me and he quickly rummaged through her purse for something.
She took out her phone and immediately clicked on it, but I snatched it away from her, "The flight attendant said to turn all gadgets off."
"But I need to look for something. We're not even flying yet." She reasoned out.
"What were you looking for?
"Just something." She briefly stated. I furrowed my eyes at her and turned my eyes to her phone's screen.
'Mile h'
I began laughing out loud. She was searching for the meaning of mile high club. I can't believe she still doesn't know that.
"You're searching for 'mile high club,' I can just tell you what it means." I smirked, turning her phone off, still not giving it back.
She looked embarrassed, it's so funny. "What the hell is it?! Is it like a club for passengers like us? Malcolm didn't give me an answer."
"You asked Malcolm?! Oh my God, this is rich." I shook my head, laughing at the girl seating next to me and when I saw her glare at me, I instantly stopped laughing.
"Fine. You really want to know? It's doing it in an airplane." I explained briefly and at first she looked confused but then later on she scrunched up her nose. "Ewwww. Oh my God. That is so disgusting, Calum!"
She hid her face behind her hands and I couldn't stop laughing. "It's like a slang for people who do it miles above ground. I don't know if there really is a club for that and I don't wanna know."
"Ew. Ew. Ew. Ewwwww. And I even asked Malcolm! Ugh that's so embarrasing." It is embarrassing and really funny.
We heard the intercom announcing that we'll be departing and we settled down, still laughing at June.
The plane ride was silent. June was asleep the whole time, literally, she didn't even eat or drink. It's her fault for touring around New York, again, before boarding the plane.
I'm glad everything worked out fine, with June and I, NYU, the apartment, well not everything, there's still that June-Maya theory that I completely forgot about when in New York.
To prove that Maya is June, there's only one thing to do, and that's the DNA test. It would be easy to get DNA samples from both of them, but it'll be difficult, 'cause for one, both of them are still minors, consents from their legal guardians are needed and I doubt Uncle Frank would give that, plus, I've never met Malia's mom.
So yeah, we're stuck with the detective board for now.
"June." I tried to shake the sleeping girl beside me but she wouldn't budge. She moaned, though. She must be dreaming about food, again, hence the drool. "June, we're here."
She abruptly sat up, drool still present below her mouth, it's disgustingly funny. I pull my handkerchief from my pocket and wiped it off of her face.
"You didn't have to do that." She pouted once I was done.
"I'm not doing it for you. It's kind of embarrassing when people see me with someone with a drool on her face." I joked and she glared at me. "Come on, we're the only people here left."
"Calum?" I hummed in response, both of us waiting outside the airport for a cab. My phone's dead so we couldn't get an Uber.
"Can we uh, go to your apartment, instead?" She muttered and I looked at her confused. She continued, "It's midnight, I don't wanna wake anybody home." Oh right.
I nodded, "Yeah, sure. Oh here's a cab." I hailed the cab and told the driver the address to my apartment.
Half an hour later, we arrived at my apartment, settling the bags inside my room as June settles in the kitchen.
"Why do you have no food in here?" I heard her yell from the kitchen and I chuckled to myself. Of course she would be hungry at this time of night.
I walked out and answered, "I eat outside. What's the point, we're moving to New York anyway." I shrugged, stating the obvious.
She turned around, grinning at me, "I can't believe I passed. I'm going to NYU. Thank you, Cal." I did it so she would go to the same university with me. This is exciting. Just no college boys or frat boys getting in the way.
"That's no problem. Everyone's going to be in New York, aka only Luke, but you get what I mean. When Mikhaela gives birth, she'll have to go to college and of course she'll bring Michael, too. I know Ashton applied in NYU, too, but he's not saying if he passed or not." I rambled and June chuckled. I guess everyone's lives are connected to New York in some ways.
"We could order Chinese, I know a great place who's open 24/5." She nodded and walked to the living room.
After ordering, I walked out to the living room and saw June watching a movie. I didn't know what movie it was, but it was definitely brutal. June enjoys these movies so much, it's weird. Her favorite movie? Or should I say favorite franchise, the Saw movies.
We sat there for a couple of minutes, watching the movie in silence. The next scene was a house in fire, I didn't follow but apparently the antagonist burned the house down for no reason.
I shook my head and turned to look at June who's eyes were squinting. I was confused. She can't be afraid of the movie.
"Ugh." She abruptly stood up, hiding her face behind her hands, her back on me.
"June, you okay?" I stood up as well, walking over to her.
I grabbed her wrist but she immediately pushed it away, "Get away from me!" Okay now something's wrong.
"June, what's wrong?" She walked further away from me, her hands now holding her head by the temple as she screamed in pain.
Holy shit. She's definitely having another one of her episodes. I quickly ran to the kitchen and got a glass of water.
When I went back out the living room, she's already sitting, with both knees up on her chest, her hands still on her temples. "Stop it. Stop, please."
I crouched down to her level and tried shaking her so she would snap out of her episode. "June, please."
"Calum, Calum, please." She cried out and I immediately hugged her, hoping she's already calming down, when she realized I was here.