Jacob L.

107 12 0

AGE: 20

Tagged account;; sextronautts-

NAME: JACOB LANCASTER AGE: 20SEXUALITY: STRAIGHT♡Tagged account;; sextronautts- (Evelyn)

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jacob aspires to be a pilot one day, just like his father. he grew up in a very wealthy family, he's also very intelligent. he has two siblings, a younger sister and an older brother.

jacob is an extremely smart male, he graduated top of his class and is currently attending Phoenix East Aviation, a flight school. he only has one year left and can not wait to finish college & graduate. his father owns a very popular airplane company and jacob plans to take over soon, when his father decides to retire.
besides flight, jacob is very passionate in writing and art. he only really does any of this in his free time cause he's usually busy studying and what not.
once you get to know jacob you'll realize he has a very different personality, he definitely isn't like most males. he's quiet dorky and shy around females, even though he is incredibly hot.
when he opens up you'll get to see his sexual side, he doesn't tend to get sexual with a girl until he's extremely into her. it just takes a while to get to him, is all.
he is an extreme sweet heart and the perfect guy to date.

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