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The rain pelted down on the car as they drove to the airport, tears fell down Stella's cheek and Anna held onto her hand tightly, it was her turn to be strong for her now. Alex and Phillipa bid them farewell at the gate and they passed through security together, Stella drawing attention for being so distraught. After three hours, they were on a plane to London. 

In two days, Stella's world had gone from being so happy and full to an odd emptiness. She didn't know what to do but cry, but even then she felt as if she didn't have the right to because she never spoke to her parents, apart from when she couldn't avoid it and she wasn't even close to them. She felt as like it was unfair to take them from her, it only made her realise how much of a bad person she was, she didn't speak to them because of them being fucking controlling! How pathetic, running away because her parents, who did love her, only wanted the best for her. Anna had been there for her though, she said all the right things and didn't push her too far, she understood all too way, she'd been through it before, even worse.

Stella's Aunty's house was an hour bus away from the airport, she rang to say that she was unable to pick them up as the government had taken away her licence for no good reason at all, apparently. Stella stared out the window on the bus, it was summer in London but it was a cold day, Australia had been warmer. She was jetlagged yet again, it was nighttime here but where she'd just come from was morning, it was a pain in her neck. Anna traced a circle on her arm with her finger, it was calming and helped Stella to breathe and think without being thrown too far into a spiral. The bus stopped at their stop and they got off, bags in hands and Anna watching Stella as she scanned the people who were waiting for their friends or family. 

"Stella!" An older lady ran up and grabbed Stella in her arm, hugging her tightly. 

Anna smiled at the scene, but then she heard sobbing and her smile slipped from her face. Stella was howling into the arms of her aunty; it was an unearthly sound.

Stella's aunty smiled across at Anna who was clutching her tea for warmth. Stella was at her sister's house, they were organising the ceremony for their parents, Stella didn't want to go but she knew she had to. 

"How long have you and Stella been together?" Stella's aunty, Trish asked.

Anna smiled at her, Trish was a lady that was getting old, but she was proud and determined, she'd never admit it. "About 10 months I think."

Trish nodded. "I remember her ringing me up about you right at the beginning, you hadn't even spoken but she was crazy about you, don't tell her I told you that."

Anna laughed. "I wouldn't."

"Yeah, Stella's always been how she is, bloody opinionated and headstrong, but when you know her and she loves you, she is the opposite. I used to think people were crazy when they told me that she was rude to someone, I had to be with her when she ran into someone to see what she was actually like. Still, she's strong and loyal."

Anna nodded. "Very. We flew right over as soon as we got the message, she felt guilty."

Trish stiffened. "She should never feel guilty, not after what my sister did to her and her sisters when they were young."

Anna looked at her blankly, she knew little bits and pieces. "Yeah, no, I think she thinks that she should just get over it."

"I wouldn't even be here if they were my own parents." Trish paused, waiting for agreeance, but seeing the blank expression on Anna's face. "They controlled them girls, it was sickening. They couldn't do anything, stayed inside 24/7 studying, when the girls were bullied because they were a bit odd, Quentin and Isabella did nothing to help them. They starved Stella for two days when she talked back, there were so many things."

Anna was shocked.

"I tell you this because, in this past week, I know how much Stella loves you, I wouldn't be surprised if she asked you to marry her."

"What?" Anna said in astonishment.

"Yeah, she's crazy about you, has been for ages."

"Oh, I don't do marriage."

"Shame, that would be one ceremony, it would give love a new definition." Trish smiled at Anna, who was busy thinking about any signs of a future proposal. 

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