Random Classwork

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Wow, look at that uber entertaining title

I'm sure so many people will click on it -_-


We had to do a street art project for class

And since we all know I can't draw for shit

I did it in PS

and I need opinions


Draft 1: Literally the least street art thing to ever exist ;-;

Draft 1: Literally the least street art thing to ever exist ;-;

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I did two colors because I'm indecisive

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I did two colors because I'm indecisive

Also, yes, that is St. Chapelle. Take a wild guess what we're learning in history. I'll give you a hint-it's a f*ckton of art.

 Draft 2:

A revamp of something old I made in my old book ( shameless self-promo ;) ) 

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A revamp of something old I made in my old book ( shameless self-promo ;) ) 

My teacher seemed to like this but I can never really tell with her tbh


Which draft should I go with? Obviously, I'll work 'em up more.

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