A/N So basically this is my old story I started a year ago and I decided to reboot it! I'm going to rewrite every chapter and make it better. This is the prologue re-written. Thanks!
The night was cold. A light breeze flew through my hair, making it swish against the moonlight. It made me feel colder than what it was. Yet something was unusual about the night. I just had a feeling.
Suddenly, an arrow hit the side of the cobble castle. Looking down from the balcony, I saw a bone-white skeleton below the tree, pulling for another shot. I ducked as my first instinct, then realised that others need to be informed. Running back I yelled at the guards to take positions. In a matter of minutes, people were filling the giant halls. Things were falling off the tables, smashing on the marble floor. The family picture lay shattered on the floor. Someone must've knocked it over in panic. I had no time to think about this though, my family was still in their rooms.
I burst through my wife's doors, and saw her shielding our son, Jayson, on the velvet, silky bed. I ran over swiftly, and took him on my hands. I then scribbled a note, and tucked it into the son's shirt. I took the fruit basket that was on the table, and put my son in there. My wife looked curious, and so she asked: "What are you doing, Ben?". I just gave her a look. She asked again, I couldn't keep it in secret forever.
"Listen, I'm sending him down the river. Don't ask questions, it's meant to happen. He can die out there on the field. The village will take care of him, don't worry about it".
"But what are we going to do?", she asked.
"Fight.", I answered, taking a sword from the wall. They were originally meant for decoration, encrusted with giant rubies and diamonds. This time, they came in use. I threw one more at the floor before my wife, and my she continued staring at me.
"Jenna, this must be done.", I continued. "Take the sword and join me, we might survive and get him back. Remember the reason you're my wife, help me fight them off, before He comes."
"Oh Ben, don't say that. He would never.", she replied, in half-shock.
"This is in the prophecy, now help me get Jayson to the village". She finally agreed, and we opened the doors once more. What I saw was even worse than what it was before I came into the room. It was chaos. Strangely, people were running in one direction. I was perplexed by this, until I saw the reason why.
Coming from the entrance, wearing heavy iron armor, were a few dozen zombies. Maybe even a hundred of them. Their faces looked dead, pale and sulky. But their eyes, as if searching for blood, were crimson red. The brightest red you will ever see. Some say they can hypnotize you, but I never believed it. I ran with the people, to the back exit. With so many people there, it was hard to open the tiny door. I saw a window open, and helped my wife over it. We pushed through it, and hid behind the nearest bush. There, we said our goodbyes to Jayson. He was fast asleep and looked at piece with the world. I wanted to do something about it, but I couldn't. In the end, the Prophecy can't lie.
We laid him gently onto the river, and saw him float peacefully to the village. We watched until the last bit of him disappeared behind a tree. We then looked at each other, grabbed our hands, and ran back into the castle to fight. This time, the scene was horrible. Blood was splattered everywhere, bodies lay all around the floor. Friends, guards, innocent people. Dead. I was fueled with rage, and as a few zombies started for me, I took my sword and swished through their necks easily. I continued the battle, as more and more mobs came at me. I looked at my wife, and she was taking seven mobs at one time. Pushing, cutting, fighting for our lives.
Then, I heard something that made me skip a beat. A small, quiet hiss. I immediately recognized it. I yelled at my wife to fall down. I jumped on her to cover her, and the green creeper behind us exploded. Rocks shattered, the floor was destroyed, and my last memory was recorded. Then, everything went blank.

Seeking Revenge
FanfictionA boy is whisked away from his comfortable life by a terrible event, and now he has to fight for revenge to get back for what happened to his kingdom. But things may not be so straight forward...