Piper: So...what have you got in store for us, Leo?
Leo: Something special....
Percy: Um excuse me, did you get my request of that FInding Nemo scene?
Leo: oh we got it...
Will Herondale: How about my request of me killing a werewolf ?
Maia Roberts: um excuse you.
Calypso: And me growing my herbs?
Leo: yes, yes, yes. I got them all. But I did none of them. So sucks for you haha k bye.
Aria Montgomery: OOh! We can come to the fireworks right?
Hanna Marin: *cries* but I need a date
Travis Hobbs: but I'm right here!
Hanna Marin: No, I want Caleb.
Caleb Rivers: das' right biatch.
Lizzy (the author!): Okay, since this book is about everybody, let's go around with our life stories!
Leo: So..who's going first?
Percy: I will. *clears throat*
Percy Jackson: So when I was 12 I found out I was a demigod. And then I found out Zeus caused so much crap because he couldn't keep his pants on. Then I defeated my grandfather and Annabeth's former crush. Weird...
Percy Jackson: Then, when I thought this shit was done, Hera took me to some Roman Camp and now I'm on my way to go kill some giants.
Percy Jackson: So then Annabeth had to be a klutz and fall into Tartarus. Now, lol I had to be so noble because I'm friggen Percy Jackson and I fell in with her. LOL big mistake.
Percy Jackson: Ok...but me being smart I came out and defeated more giants and it was all good.
Lizzy (the author!): wow okay. Very nice. Next?
Tris Prior: LOL I found out I was different from the rest of my society. Someone tried to kill me and I started a rebellion and died.
Lizzy (the author): um. Inspiring.
Caleb Rivers: Hi I'm Caleb. So I am from a foster home but thanks to my amazing, beautiful, girlfriend Hanna Marin I found my parents.
Caleb Rivers: I love Hanna more than I love life. I got shot for her and her friends.
Caleb RIvers: And one day she was stuck in this shady-ass town called Ravenswood. So I had to go get her. On the bus I met a girl (who is actually a slut) and we talked.
Caleb Rivers: So I found Hanna and while doing that, I found I was supposed to be dead. But that's my ancestor. So Miranda gets into a car crash and dies. But somehow I can communicate with her and now I'm trying to help her.
Caleb Rivers: And now that's canceled and I'm traveling to win my Hanna back.
Lizzy (the author!): Dang, that's rough man. (I totally ship Haleb though)

The Seven Plus More Text Messages
FanfictionPercy: bro, my i went to the doctors today Jason: and? Percy: he says i'm lacking Vitamin You Jason: bro... Percy: bro.