Twenty Føur

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We got to the hospital and checked in.
"You'll have to get ready in twenty minutes." Said the reseptionist as we were finished filling out a form. I nodded before turning around and finding the uncomfortable seat that I was going to sit in for the next twenty minutes. Two minutes later, Jenna, Tyler, Panic! and Dace, and Fall Out Boy waltzed through the front doors. I instantly smile and get up to hug them all. Tyler was first, then Jenna, Brendon, Dace, Dallon, Andy, Patrick and so on. I hugged Pete last and he threw me over his shoulder, I squirmed around and laughed. He set me down with a smile. The adults exchanged a few words while Dace and I stood around awkwardly. It's hard to have a conversation when the person you're talking too might die, and it's your girlfriend too.
Patrick came over to me not long before the twenty minutes were up, knelt down, and whispered in my ear. "We all love you no matter what happens, and we always will. Some may take it harder than others, but we'll survive. But whatever does happen, fight through it. Make sure you will survive. For us, for your Dad, and for Dace." he leaned away and smiled with tears glimmering in his eyes. I never really got to know Patrick, but he was nice enough to me. I nodded with a small smile before going over to the doctor who called for me to change into the hospital gown. I did so and got on the gurney. They wheeled me out and passed my band family, dad and Dace hurried over to me and held my hands while saying things to me.
"I love you Zinc, I'm so glad that I'm your father." Dad said while walking along side the gurney.
"Z you know that I'll love you till the end of my days, okay? Don't forget that." Dace said, tear washing her eyes over. I smiled a said smile. The gurney suddenly stopped.
"I'm sorry but you aren't allowed passed this point." A nurse said.
"Oh, alright." said dad. He leaned down and kissed my cheek. "I love you Zinc." He said before squeezing my hand and walking off. dace leaned down and kissed me on the lips, taking me by surprise a little bit.
"I love you Z, don't forget that. Goodbye, I'll see you soon." She smiled with a tear rolling down her cheek. She kissed me one last time, squeezed my hand, and walked away. They rolled me in.
We got into the room, they stuck several I.V. tubes into my arm, with out the gas mind you, and then got the mask out. I was lowkey terrified of sleeping gas. What if I didn't wake up? What happened when I slept, oh god. They put it on me and wrapped it around my head. Soon enough I breathed in the chemicals that made me feel sleepy. Huh. More like My Sleepy Romance...

I woke up, I think. I look around and see a very dark room, I can't even see my hand infront of my face it's so dark. I walk around and bump into several objects, some of which are moving. I was utterly confused. I felt around for anything that I could regonize, maybe a light switch? But I was unable to complete that task, for I was violently pushed into what I later thought was a chair. As soon as I got comfortable, the room lit up. I look around, the room was empty. I thought I felt some moving things? I looked around and realized what this was. This was a funeral. I got up and looked into the casket. What I saw made me go cold. It was a small, pale body, with short ginger hair, laying cross armed. Dressed in a dress-shirt, suspenders, pants, and boots, along with a bowtie. I noticed some dark lines near the neck and colar bone. The person in the casket is me. My shaking hand reached out to touch my corpse, but just as soon as I was about to touch it, I was wisked back to my seat, and I couldn't move. It felt like I was glued to the base of the seat. And then, people just appeared out of thin air. There was soft talking. I looked around and found dad sitting at the chair not eight seats down from me in the front row. He looked deafeted, helpless. Tyler came up behind him and rubbed his shoulders and whispered some things to him, dad barely nodded. Tyler walked away and later had Jenna at his side. For once, Jenna didn't have that spark in her big blue eyes, and she was quiet. I don't know if like this version of Jenna better or worse. I'll go with worse. Then there was Dace. She was standing right beside Brendon. It looked like she hadn't slept in ages, or ate for that matter. She was so thin and pale, the color of her lime green eyes had faded into a muddy grey, it was saddening to see her like that. They all sat down and the wake started. When it was Dads turn to come up to me, I was suddenly released of the invisible grip that held me down to the chair. I walked up beside him and looked at him. He looked so sad, so heart-broken. His little girl, gone. A few tears ran down his cheeks, but he was overall silent. He leaned down and kissed my cheek. He smiled before returning to his seat. Tyler came up next. He looked at me with a blank look, but his eyes said it all. He never wanted this to happen, and he's scared it'll happen to his own kid some day, if he has one. He leaned down and whispered a few things in my ear.
"I know you can't hear me, but I'll say it anyway. You really did something for Josh, y'know? He was lonely without you, depressed even, and Jenna and I couldn't do anything to help it, we live in Ohio, he lives in LA. But you helped him, when he told me about you he was like a proud father, and he still is. He's proud because you changed the way our fans think. He's proud because you changed him. And you need to remember that. Goodbye Z." he said, squeezed my hand, and walked back to where he and Jenna were sitting. Next was Dace, but Brendon whispered something in her ear before she came up, Dace shook her head. She walked up hesitantly to where the casket was and looked at my still body, and broke down. Everyone from the crowd looked on with sympathy. Brendon came up the aisle and hugged Dace from her, calming her down. She took a deep breath in and came and whispered to me. " I love you, Zinc Jay Believer Dun. And I hope you know that, even there, where ever you are now. From the day I met you I did, from that night at the cemetary I did, from the afternoon you confronted me I did. I still do. And to not break the promise we made, I got you this." She pulled out a gun-metal colored ring that had a small cuprite gem in the middle. She reached down and into the casket and put the ring on my finger. I looked at my own finger, and there it was, shining in the dim light of the room. "I love you Z." She said before leaning down and kissing me, just like dad did. My eyes started to water as she went back to her seat with Brendon behind her, and broke down crying when everyone else came up to tell me something. Patrick came up with a small daisy and laid it by my side. He gave a sad smile. "You're quite a catch, Zinc." he said before returning to his seat. I cried even more. Then, it hit me. This is what would happen if I did die. I don't want this to happen, I can't let this happen. Suddenly, everything disappeared, and I was back in that dark room. I looked around for anything different, but I couldn't find anything strange or unusual about the area, then a burst of light came from all around me, and I was in a blinding white room that I honestly didn't like. I turned and saw two figures, one was glowing and angelic, with a flower crown for a halo and a flowy white dress. The other was red and drippy-like, it looked like a candle, and it had sharp black teeth protruding out of the melting mess.
"Now it's your choice." Said the angle.
"You can either go back from whence you came, or move on to another world. It is your desicion." The dripping figure stated. Two buttons then appeared before me. 'MOVE ON' said one, 'DO NOT' the other said, but something felt off. I needed to trust the red person, not the angle. I've never been religious so why should I trust it? I know what Tyler said, but does it matter here? Where ever I am? No. I clicked 'MOVE ON'. "You will die, young one." Said the angle. I shook my head. 'I would've died if I chose 'DO NOT', you filthy thing.' I mouthed, glaring at the angle. "You figured it out, young one. You really are worth living for." Said the angle.

Then, I woke up.

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