Dion: As I had my arms wrapped around Sebb, all of a sudden fire alarms went of.
Sebb: "Dion! W- what's happening?"
Dion: Sebb sounded really scared. "I don't know! Maybe it was a mistake." All of a sudden there was a loud speaker that came on.
Loud speaker: "Everyone do not panic! This is a real fire so can everyone please evacuate the building! Patients in hospital beds sit tight, we are having nurses come and get you so please do not panic thank you!"
Dion: As I heard the announcement I grabbed Sebbs hand and rushed out of the room. Sebb was fine enough where he could walk. There was no damage on his legs. So as I was pulling Sebb along with me, we ran outside. We ran far enough where we wouldn't be in contact with any fire. As we were catching our breath, the fire trucks and ambulance came. The fire men were rushing in and out to save as many people as they could. As Sebb and I were hugging each other, we watched the inside of the building fill with smoke and flames. There were patients running out of the building with a rag over their mouth coughing. I felt so blessed that Sebb and I made it out before it got real bad.
Sebb: "Wow! I can't believe we made it!"
Dion: "Yeah, hopefully the others will make it out ok!" As I thought to my self what I had just said. 'The others' I totally forgot that Jamie was in the same hospital! I was looking around to see if I saw him anywhere. Nothing. I really didn't want to do this but... I ran.
Sebb: "Dion! No! What are you doing! Come back!"
Dion: "I have to save my little brother!"
Sebb: "You Can't go back int here you'll never make it! Dion please don't go!"
Dion: "I'm sorry Sebb but he's my brother." I ran back inside the burning building. I heard the fire men and police telling me don't go in there. But I didn't listen to them. My mind was set on saving my brother. I already knew what room he was in, so is sprinted towards his room. The bad thing was, was that his room was in the other side of the hospital. As I reached his room I saw Jamie on the ground near the door coughing. "Jamie! Are you *cough* Are you ok!?"
Jamie: "Yeah! *cough* Can you help me get up?"
Dion: I took a towel that was on the bed and covered Jamie's mouth with it. I picked him up and started running towards the exit. The whole time Jamie was coughing non stop. We were about half way there and Jamie passed out. "Jamie! No no no NO! JAMIE! Wake up!" I couldn't bother waking Jamie up in a burning building so I ran even faster towards the door. We finally got outside and I laid Jamie in the grass. One of the paramedics came over and did CPR on him.
Sebb: "I hope he's ok!
Dion: "Me too!"
Paramedic: "He has a pulse!"
Dion: I had so much relief after he said that. About 6 minutes later I was freaking out.
Paramedic: "We're loosing him!"
Dion: There were three guys on Jamie trying to get him to wake up. Nothing worked.
Paramedic: "I- *sigh* I'm sorry, it's too late..."
Dion: My heard dropped. I didn't even know what to think. "H-how? You have to be able to do something! Try CPR again!"
Paramedic: "I'm sorry, he's not breathing anymore. I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do.
Dion: "I put my forehead on Sebbs shoulder. I started crying. I just lost my brother. My best friend! I lost him because of me...

Bound To Happen
RomanceI don't really have a schedule on when the chapters will be coming out, but I'm working on it. I know this story is about lgbtq+ so if you are against that, why did you even click on this? But anyways, I am a really big #sebasdion fan and I wrote th...