Goals and rules

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Today, we are opening the official POTATO CLUB! And, by we, I mean, MeekoPaddles22 and I! We are both huge potato lovers!
The goal of this book is to create a potato lovers community! And, interact with other potatoes!
"Potatoes will take over the world"- sandstormwolf

No potato haters, any body who hates potatoes (I don't mean eating them :( I mean being one or reading about one!)
No swearing or bullying or inappropriate stuff! (Be nice in other words!) note: if you do then you are kicked out of the club and reported
Do not talk bad about potatoes in this book (ex. fried potatoes) if you do, you will be warned by the managers and also if it is done more often, your membership will be expelled for a week (maybe more)
We don't want to be mean, we want this community to be safe and respectful for positive potatoes! :3

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