The Elevator

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I tried to move through the crowd. My ears were going deaf as we bustled through the screaming fans. Me and harry finally made it inside our hotel. The bodyguards watched the front door as we made our way to the elevator. We made it inside and harry sighed and laid against the wall. “They can be so crazy huh” I said. He nodded and closed his eyes. The elevator was going until a sudden crash happened. “What was that?” asked harry opening his eyes. “I think the elevator stopped” I said pushing the call button. Nothing worked so I sunk to floor. “So you’re just going to give up?” “Harry, we are famous soon enough we will be found.” “What If we’re not?!” he panicked. I gave him a look and sighed and sunk to the ground with me. “I hate elevators” he admitted. I thought in my head, I never knew this. All the years me and him have been friends I didn’t know this. “Any reception?” I asked. He nodded his head no. “At least you’re not alone” I smiled. He half smiled and started fidgeting. “Relax or you’re going to make me nervous” I giggled. “How’s you and Eleanor?” he randomly asked. “Good” I said. There was an awkward silence. Harry has never really liked her but neither did a lot of America. I played with my bracelet until harry was staring at me. “Yes?” I asked. “I really need to tell you something” he said. I scotched closer to him. “What’s up?” Harry started stuttering and then spoke “I had a dream about you.” I smiled at him; he was always a little awkward. “Tell me what it was about” Harry started blushing. I nudged him to tell me. “It’s really awkward” he said. “Haz, I’ve seen you naked” I laughed. “We kissed” he blushed more. I bit my lip nervously. This was awkward. I put on a brave face and laughed. He started laughing with me. “Dreams can sure be crazy” I said. Harry nodded and then started staring at the floor. “I liked it” he mumbled. “Liked what?” I asked. “The kiss” he mumbled. I stared at my feet wishing he wouldn’t have just said that. “Louis, I need to tell you something, I’m in love with you” he blurted. He grabbed my hands and brushed the top of my hand with his thumb. “Please be in love with me” he begged. I stared into his eyes. In love with my best friend? My male best friend? “Harry...” I breathed. Harry pulled me close and kissed me. I could feel his heart beating really fast as my hand was placed on his chest. It felt like it was normal like we had done this before but in reality I have never even thought of this. Harry pulled away slowly and pulled me into his lap. “Louis, tell me how you feel” I felt my breath get heavy. “It felt right, so right” I said. Harry quickly started kissing me again. My legs wrapped around him as I felt him pull me closer. I pulled away, “harry what are we doing?” I got up really fast feeling weird. “Lou” I hear. I turn to see Harry on his knee. “Boo bear, marry me?” he asked taking out a ring. My mouth dropped to the floor. I started crying, I didn’t know why but I was. Harry was crying too. I covered my mouth and started bawling. Harry wiped away his tears. “Baby?” he asked. I nodded so quickly and Harry’s eyes flashed. “Yes!” “I’ll marry you Harry!” I said. Harry got up and pressed me against the elevator wall and kissed me. The ring slid onto my finger. “Baby, I love you” he grinned. “I love you too” I sobbed. This whole time it was my best friend. Just then the elevator started to move up. Me and Harry started bursting into laughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2014 ⏰

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