i flipped her off back as she walked out even though she couldn't see. i looked at richie and he was already looking at me. i felt myself blush a little and I don't even know why. all he did was look at me. fuck.
"uhm bev's right we should go," i said hopping off the counter. he nodded and held the door open for me.
"thanks" i said quietly glancing up at him. he smiled at me. damn that smile.
i got back into the booth and richie got in next to me. he was pretty close, of course i noticed. i looked up at him. he was looking at bev. what a surprise. I looked down at his hands. they look long and boney. they probably fit mine perfectly.. it must be true. i think i like him. he looked at me.
i looked back up at him and quickly thought of an excuse for staring.
"you're hands are big," what the fuck eddie. you're hands are big?? jesus.
he smiled a lil and nodded, analyzing them. i wanted to hold his hand but not make it obvious. c'mon eddie.. be bold..
"lemme see," i took his left hand and put mine up against it. his fingers were way longer than mine.. i wonder what it'd be like to hold his hand, but i'm not that bold.
"wow" he chuckled.
"you have small hands" he added.
"and you have big hands" I smiled.
I slowly pulled away and looked back up at him smiling warmly. he smiled back then looked away. his eyes are so dark. like they're full of secrets that I so deeply want to know about. I heard the basics today in class. he was probably barely scratching the surface. there's probably so much more to know about him. he's an only child and lives with his mom. what else? where's his dad? what side of town does he live on? does he have a middle name? his favorite color?
I looked at his outfit. probably black..