"You've never told me the plan."
"And you never told me you were a villain."
Izuku gave an exasperated look at him. Bakugou merely sighed.
"Fine then executive," he drawled,
"Remember Shinso? Purple hair, tired face..."
"Of course I remember him dipshit, hurry up and talk before the heroes start to think that something's wrong." A leveled look was passed and then another exasperated sigh.
"I have been talking to him for a while, and he seems completely negative against the justice system the heroes created and the rankings of power. Sure, he's doing this for a more noble objective than the rest of us, but he's still on our side."
Izuku gave his childhood friend a scrutinizing look.
"So are you saying," the words were slow, intentionally drawing out each syllable.
"That I'm not doing all this shit for something considered 'noble'?"
Bakugou responded with an equally bored tone, "Isn't that what you do? Kill people based on bloodlust? Hunger? Violence? Sin? If you are doing this for a noble cause than wouldn't you already have been crowned a king?"
The word 'king' hung in the air for a stale moment before Tomura's voice came straddling back to Izuku's scattered mind.
"One day you will sit atop a throne; and avenge every one of us who suffered. They will follow you, because you know what it is that they suffered. You are not hero nobility. You are something created by violence and death. You are the result."
It was a rather weird thing for Tomura to say, as he was always caught in his own head about he himself being put on a throne. That memory caused Izuku's head to buzz in alarm. There was white noise in the back of his cranium before he heard scattered voices. Voices in his head. They were whispering, shouting, dying, living. And it was the same voices from the day when he last encountered All Might and Eraser. The day when he executed his failed attempt at gutting the number one hero. It had been so confusing for the last few days that he even forgot that the event happened. That there was actually a voice, or voices in his head; his thoughts. It was ancient and sleeping, but at the same time young and awake. But before he could process more about it, Izuku realised that he was expected to reply back to Bakugou.
"We are the villains in the story; but we're not bad. Call it justice if you wish, but there was never a time when we acted irrationally."
Bakugo hoped he wasn't lying.
Izuku paused for a moment, before continuing -
'What about you?"
"What are you doing this for? Justice? Peace? Some noble prejudice?"
The blond didn't hesitate before he spoke, "I haven't decided that yet."
There was more silence after that, but Bakugou quickly ran over the plan. Shinso could use his hypnotising quirk and pretend that he got Izuku to confess the truth. That Izuku was actually in some sort of spell, a trance. Someone's quirk. Was forced to work with the villains without even realising it.
Turns out, their plan carried out perfectly.
Once they got out of that terrible dark room, Izuku was sent to some sort of questioning chamber, covered from head to toe in soundproof material. It made him shudder at what went on there before. Turns out, Shinso was actually a great actor, the disgust on his face when he saw Izuku was plain and perfect. Well, Izuku hoped he was acting. It could be from the soot on the side of his cheek when one of the lesser heroes shoved him to the floor. Or the bruise quickly forming there. When they brought him in, they also managed a kick to his ribs; brushed it off with the excuse of self defence, though Midoriya never directly attacked them.
Little shits.
But the questioning went on, and Izuku's own acting skills were set on play. Though you could never really call it acting, it was really just survival instincts. Do this or die.
There were no heroes in that sad little room, only some security guards dressed fully in black with giant rifles guarding the entrance, also the only exit. There were cameras though, 10 to be exact. That was the first thing Midoriya did when he was shoved into the room. In full honesty, Izuku was actually surprised that they'd let a student get this close to him. After all, he did stab the Number One Hero. How low has the hero society stooped?
When questioned about the villains, their hideout, names and quirks; Izuku merely pretended his memory of that was wiped too. In the story of his capture by the villains, his memories were mainly 'altered' so he never really had a clear answer. Throughout it all, Shinso never made eye contact with Izuku, which was slightly annoying since then Izuku could never really tell what he was thinking.
When the painful interrogation finally ended, Izuku's wrists were finally untied.
The tension the uniformed guards were sending off in waves seemed to relax, and Shinso gave Izuku a pat on the back, knowing full well about the cameras still recording. But, since when did UA have guards? What happened when he was gone? Izuku shuddered again, breaking the record of feeling fear more than 2 times in a day.
Finally, the electric door slid open, revealing a bandaged All Might, with a dozen UA students buzzing around him like fierce protectors. Most of them were from the upper classes, the big 3 and so on. But there were 2 from Class 1A. Bakugo and Uraraka.
At the sight of her old friend, Uraraka started to cry. Bakugo stood there like a mannequin, but there was a relieved tugging at the edges of his lips.
"I'm back"
Izuku whispered.
Bakugo nodded, understanding the two way meaning.All Might finally managed to step out of the shadows and into the sight of his former successor. He face was brimming with a type of joy, he thinks he has won. Bakugo saw this and muttered a silent prayer to the gods that Izuku won't dice him up right there and now. Swearing was heard every now and then when the two finally made eye contact.
"Welcome home, Young Midoriya."
"Yeah, glad to be back."
At this, Bakugo flashed am alarmed look towards Izuku. Izuku could see the words written underneath the glare: What the fuck Deku you just blowed the whole shitting cover fuck you damn Deku ruins everything fucking thinks you're the boss of everything — and so on. Izuku shrugged.
All Might didn't seem to react to the greeting but something like amusement flickered behind his smile.
"But since you are currently lacking in experience in fighting and will not be going on internships like the others, you will need to participate in some 'missions' that the pro heroes are currently a part of. To get experience, I mean - since no internships for you. Anything outside of our line of sight is actually... forbidden. Too risky right now, especially with those villains on the loose."
Izuku flashed an alarmed glare towards Bakugo, but the other male looked just about confused and frightened as he was feeling. So this wasn't what he'd been told. All Might coughed.
"So, do you agree?""Yes."

▫️Overdose ▫️[ Villain! Midoriya fanfic ]
FanfictionIzuku Midoriya ˈtradʒɪdi/ noun 1. villain 2. someone with intense desires or beliefs; focused on only one goal