My Trip

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Hey guys! There have been some new developments for my love life!

I met this guy on my trip to New York and Washington D.C! (Large hint here)

We were at Mount Vernon, where George Washington used to live. We were in the lobby area. I was talking to his friend then he came into our conversation. We had to go into a theatre to get background knowledge about George Washington before we walked to his house. I talked with them about inviting a whole town over to the theatre. Once the movie began, I focused on the film.

All of the sudden, I hear this weird noise. I was sitting by him, so I glance over at him. He has quarters in his mouth, grinding them against his front teeth. I stare at him until he notices which doesn't take long. We lock eyes.

"We don't eat quarters." I say.

He laughs, taking the quarters out of his mouth. I put my head on my hand, laughing. We hit it off from there. We hung out for the rest of the day. We got to know each other. We had a lot of things in common. We laughed all day long. It was just him and I walking together. We were laughing, getting to know one another, and smiling really big.

I got pretty comfortable hanging around him. Like to the point where I revealed my crazy personality which I don't do to any ol body.

We were walking to a barn. My group (of girls) were walking behind us. I look over my shoulder at them. They all give me a thumbs up, one of them mouthing, "Get you some." I blushed so hard.

I pressed a finger to my lips, shushing them. The new boy grinned at me. I snorted I was laughing so hard.

His friends then had their turn. They approached from behind us, "Ohh,  *name* get you some!"

He flips them off, his cheeks as red as a strawberry.

Once they left, they returned about 20 minutes later. The girl asked, "Hey, do you like him?"

I didn't know how to respond. I barely even knew the guy. He was kind a cute. "I don't know."

"Well, why are you talking to him?" She asked.

Without thinking I go, "I'm just trying to get what I can."

I realize what I just said, "I'm not a hoe! I swear! I normally don't even talk to guys!"

I catch back up with the new boy. He looks at me with a judgemental glance. "I'm not a hoe. I swear. Guys aren't my strong suit."

Here's where I wanted to hug him, "I trust you." His voice sounds like he truly meant that.

We continued learning about each other.

When the group was getting ready to leave, we got the time to go into the gift shops. We goofed off in the gift shop. His friends join us again. "You guys would be a good couple." The girl says

We exchange glances, "It wouldn't work out because I'm moving and don't have a phone."

My heart drops. "Where are you moving to?"

"The *area close to mine* area." He replies.

"No way! I live by there!"

The girl changes the subject, "Do you like him?" She points to me.

"I don't know." I answer.

"Do You like her?" The girl points to him.

"I guess so."

I have a good feeling my cheeks turned fifteen hundred shades of red. "Great! You guys should exchange numbers!"

They walk away, leaving us alone. "You could still give me your number." He murmurs.

I smile, "Yeah, I think that's a good idea."

"I have paper in my pocket, now we just need a pen." We begin to search the store for a pen.

Sadly, we didn't find one.

Now comes the embarrassing part: There were boxes of candles together that looked like nunchucks. I picked one of them up, flinging the other one around. It hits the guy perfectly in the crotch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

I was so embrassassed. I put the candles back, apologizing. We both laugh it off.

We go back to the group, chatting away. The group goes back to the bus.

Later at the airport, I eat Dunkin Donuts for dinner with the new boy and his friend. We talk some more. (I have never talked to a stranger this much ever.)

That's when I started feeling bad. I had coffee. Coffee and I do not get along. I started feeling sick.

Once we got on the plane, he sat in the row ahead of me. The entire ride he kept looking back at me with this worry in his eyes. Almost every single time, he asked if I was feeling better.

I gave him my number before we had to go home.

A day later (two days ago), he called me. Of course with my luck, I couldn't get to the phone in time. I called him about 2 hours later. I left a voicemail. Now I'm just chilling out because I haven't gotten a call back. That's alright though!

Anyway, that's my story! Thanks for reading!

I'm thinking about texting him, but I don't know who's phone he used to call me on.

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