7 Knights

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Welcome my dear readers! This is my first story about BTS and I hope you all love it!!! I'll be settling with their real names because it's much more intimate for me *wink* *wink*

P.S. The ones in Italics are the character's thoughts.
Another slow day at work. I can't give up now, I have to be strong for my little ones. Y/N looked around her cute little café, she didn't understand what was wrong, she would only get 3-4 customers a day, if she was lucky. It doesn't help that only 2 of them are regulars. If her business continues like this, she had to give up her little loves.

She was about to go in the backroom when she heard the door bell ring, indicating that there was in fact, customers. It was unusual since it was a weekday afternoon, she turned around and saw 7 guys in hoodies with masks on.

"Good afternoon, welcome to Sunny pet café. How can I help you?"

Y/N smiled brightly at her new customers. The guys then took their masks off and greeted her with a smile. The tallest one spoke first. OH MY GOSH! IT'S BTS...Okay, act cool. It's clearly their day off, i can't risk scaring away my only customers for the day.

"Hi, we came across your café and we'd like a table for 7."

He smiled showing his dimples. Aww, how adorable. Stop it Y/N, their customers. Be professional! Y/N lead them to their table and gave them hand sanitizers.

"My name's Y/N and I'm the owner of this café. The animals are open for adoptions if you find them appealing but if you're not ready for that, you can always come back and play with them. We have 4 dogs, 2 cats, 1 rabbit and a parrot. While playing with them, you can order anything you'd like."

"Hyung, can we order first? I'm craving for something sweet." Cute guy with the coconut hairstyle said.

"Yah! You're always thinking about food."

"What can I say, it's your fault jin hyung!"

"This kid..." Y/N smiled to herself. Clearly they're close.

"You can look through our menu board first, I'll be in the counter when you're ready to order."

"Hyung, isn't she pretty?" Jimin whispered to hoseok when Y/N left.

"Yah! Stop checking her out Jimin, we're here to check out the little furry friends."

"You say that but you're blushing." Taehyung laughed at Hoseok's flustered state.

"You guys never shut up...I'll order for you guys. Is thay okay?" Yoongi grumbled.

"We're counting on you hyung~" Jungkook smiled when Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Hi, I'd like to order now. I'd like 2 slices of red velvet cake, 4 slices of black forest cake and 1 slice of mocha cake. For drinks, we'll have 2 black coffees and 5 sweet coffees."

Y/N took care of their orders, not realizing Yoongi staring at her. Y/N was going to hand him the tray when a loose strand of her hair blocked her left eye. Without thinking, Yoongi took the loose strand and slid it behind her ear.

"Sorry about that." Yoongie rubbed his neck embarassed. Y/N smiled at him.

"It's okay, thank you."

Yoongi took their orders and went backcto the boys.

"We saw that!" Jimin smirked

"Just shut up and eat your food." Yoongi took a sip of his coffee.

Look at him being all tsundere on us. Taeuhyun took a bite of his cake while looking at his hyung.

That's the first time I saw Yoongi hyung do something like that, i guess he likes her. Namjoon smiled to himself.

This is getting interesting~ Jin thought to himself while looking at the boys and at Y/N

This is heaven! Jungkook happily finished his cake.

"That was so good!!! Did you make these Y/N?" Hoseok asked Y/N

"Y-yeah, I wanted to become a patissier but i liked helping animals too so i thought, why not just combine what i love to do."

"That's not a bad strategy. With this concept for a café, I'm sure it's a hit."

"That's the thing. I don't have that much customers and I don't know what to do. If this continies, I'd have to close the shop and give the animals to a shelter and I don't want that."

Namjoon frowned. Surely this café is one of the best we've been to. It's cheap and has that homey feel.


"Maybe what, Jimin?

" Y/N do you know who we are?"

"Of course I do, you guys are BTS. I'm an A.R.M.Y. myself." This made Jimin smirk even more

"If you're an A.R.M.Y. in need, we can't just leave you hanging when WE can help."

"What do you have in mind?" Jin asked

"I think what he's saying is, we're a famous idols that have TONS of fans and influence so we can make something out." Namjoon smiled

" So, kinda like an ad?" Hoseok looked at Namjoon

"That's not a bad idea." Jin clapped his hands.

"You guy will do that for me?"

"Anything for our fan."

"By the way, how old are you Y/N?"

"I'm 22, Jin oppa."

"Then we're all your oppas except for kookie here." Jimin wrapped his arms around jungkook, at least he tried to.

"We'll be seeing more of you then Noona." Jungkook smiled shyly not looking at Y/N.

"We have to go now, it's getting late. We'll have to talk to Bang PDnim about this."

"You haven't even seen the little guys yet."

"That's alright Y/N, we'll be coming back. There's no need to rush." Yoongi smiled slightly.

All of their attention was on her making Y/N blush.

"O-okay, I'll see you guys soon then."

Hoeoks took Y/N's hands "See you Y/N! Remember, there's always hope." Hoseok smiled warmly at her making her heart flutter.

I hope things get better, they're my 7 knights.

It's your  dear author here~ I hope you guys loved the first chap, I'll be updating soon! Feel free to comment and vote.🙂

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