Number 146 - Steal blades.
Amelia's parents tried their hardest to understand her. She never wanted to talk. She wanted to listen to music and use the words on a page to escape from reality. No one knew what her drawings meant. No one knew what was on the aged piece of paper she never let out of her sight.
Number 147 - Cut off communication with Bella.
Isabella Walker, Amelia's only friend of the past 16 years, the one she confided in. Amelia trusted Isabella with every small, boring detail of her life and was going against Adrienne's rules by doing so. Isabella knew about Adrienne's list, she begged and pleaded with Amelia to tell someone who could help her.
She never listened.

Lists | Completed
Short StoryAmelia Evans is tortured by the voices in her head. This is the story of her last moments alive, and why she did what she did.