Ch. 7 The Four Horsemen

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Facts: This book I originally wrote it as a Lashton fanfiction back in 2015 but I stopped writing at chapter 6 and unpublished the book here in wattpad. Then I decided to switch it Markhyuck and change a bit of the plot. Because originally there are no Dark Element in the plot and main lead that is played by Ashton Irwin who is played by Lee Donghyuck in this book was supposed to be in a mafia group that the leader will be suspected as the dead pool but I decided to revised it.

I'll try to update again this week since school will start soon here in our country.  And this chapter is quite long it has 3k words which is very unusual for me lol

Ch. 7 The Four Horsemen

Lee Donghyuck

Last day of the first week, I am seriously starting to wish it was over already because exams is coming up of course I need to maintain my high grades. Not to mention we also have prom coming up and I hope Mark will asked me to be his date since we just had a date last weekend.

I had chemistry up first with Jaemin. I walked around to the labs and found the right room, heading inside and giving Jaemin a smile that he surprisingly he didn't return as I walked over to him.

Oh good, he had this sad look today. Something's got to be up.

"Hey Jae what's up?" I said as I sat down in the chair beside him.

"Nothing." He said flatly.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine." He said not looking up.

He is definitely not fine, in fact he looks grumpy. "What's the matter nana? Cat got your tongue?" I grinned and waggled my eyebrows a bit.

He looked up really slowly with a glare. I put my hands up in defeat.

"Alright, okay, I'll shut up." I said, turning to the front of the class and tapping my foot under the desk.

After a few moments of that he clenched his fist and looked up slowly again and my smile dropped pretty munch instantly. "Really hyuck?" He said impatiently.

I raised my eyebrow and gave him a sarcastic 'sorry' face before turning back to my page as the newly healed Mr. Harris walked in. This is going to be a long day if he's going to be in this kind of mood.

The rest of the class went by pretty slowly, he didn't laugh at any of my jokes and he was out of the door the second the bell had gone. I gathered my stuff and Jungwoo walked over to me from his desk.

"Hey, I noticed Jaemin's pretty grumpy today, any chance he and Jeno are having the same issues?" He asked as I shoved my book inside my backpack.

"Honestly Jungwoo, I couldn't tell you because I only got five words out of him today. Why? What is going on?"

"I sat besides Jeno in the bus earlier and he said that he is now in a cool off."

"Cool off? Oh no." I said seating back to my chair.

"Good luck being a love guru and third wheeler." He smirked and I pouted glaring at him.

"You look like a puppy!"

"Well you look like a barbie!"


I couldn't find Jeno whole day which I think he didn't went to his other classes. I still tried to talk to Jaemin and now he said was he will tell after the class is over.

It's sad because I want to tell him about my kiss with Mark but I don't want to hurt his feelings since he and Jeno are on a cool off with unknown reason.

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Speaking of Mark I also haven't seen him since morning. Though I saw his best friend Lucas, he also hadn't texted me since morning. I'm starting to feel worried but I guess I still don't have the right to since we don't have label yet.

"I guess I need to tell you. I do actually need someone to talk to." Jaemin confessed while we are walking in the street. It was already 7 in the evening because had a club meeting that he needs to attend first.

Considering that I am only five months here in this city, I felt fluttered knowing that Jaemin had chose me to vent out his problems to.

At least I earned a friend and Mark who is my soon to be boyfriend. I hope so.

"Uhm, Jeno was so busy as always and when he is stressed he always gets mad at me like I am his stress reliever but in a bad way." He said putting his hands in his pockets. Closing his eyes as the cold wind hit his face.

"So you are the one who said cool off between your relationship?" I asked however, I have a negative gut feeling right now as my heart was pounding loud.

"Yeah, but it's only cool off for him to realize his mistakes and win me back." Jaemin said giving me a small smile.

Suddenly the lights went out making both of us scream in shocked. He wrapped his arm on mine as we walk slower and silently. Where are the people? Why do I feel like its only us two in this street.

"What is happening?" Jaemin asked shaking in fear as I grabbed my phone from the pocket of my hoodie and use it as light.

We saw the there no people other than us in the street it was clear however, there are still cars that are parked but there are no people.

"Where are they?" I whispered gulping walking faster to reach the end of the street.

"Hyuck ah!" Jaemin screamed pointing the black cloud that coming towards us. It was so dark and it moving towards us I feel like my feet froze I can't move nor is Jaemin.

Suddenly the black cloud formed a man figure and I could it clearly see as he stood up and ready to fight.

The Dead Pool.

"I'll distract him... you go hide okay." I whispered to Jaemin as he was holding tightly to my hoodie.

"W-what about you?" He asked but I pushed his hands away from my hoodie and walk towards Dead Pool.

I tacked the Dead Pool to the ground and we went tumbling over backward it's feet kicking me into a tree.

I laid a punch putting all my strength in the punch into the Dead Pool's face and it recoiled fast. He lurched forward putting his hand on my throat choking me as I failed to defend his attack.

"I am not here to kill you yet Lee Donghyuck the son of Lee Hoonbin. Give me the box or I will kill you." He said his voice is very frightening he has that evil voice that sends shivers down my spine.

"I-I don't have the box!" I said trying to let his hand off my throat slightly choking and gasping for air.

"I don't e-even know what you are talking about." I lied and he let go of me coughing hard.

He put the end of his sword at my throat before saying, "At Full Moon you give me the box." Then he transform into a black fog again and everything turn normal, the lights, the sound of the television its all back.

I kneel down feeling tears coming out of my eyes. Why you must put me in danger dad?

I saw Jaemin running towards me, he was hiding behind the car. He hugged me tight asking me if I was alright.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun. 02, 2018 ⏰

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