Chapter 39

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After the holiday break, Emilee and I were back to work at the studio. My other employees were in and out of the studio and not that many customers were stopping in or calling. I was honestly starting to get worried.

"Hey, Em?"


"Do you think the studio will last?"

"What do you mean?"

"The phone hasn't rung or no one bothered with this place all day today."

Emilee got up from her desk and put both of her hands on my shoulders.

"Calm down. It's only the first few days of the new year."

"But it always feels like we're the only two here while Colleen or Matt are always dealing with customers."

"Bri, give people time and hey someone has to keep an eye on this place. Why don't you ask Ryan if you can take photos of the band while they tour?"

"I can't leave work that long, plus they have Bryce for that."

"Don't worry so much." Emilee smiled going back to her desk.

I nodded my head, sighing, and rested my chin in my hand as I stared out the window.

What am I gonna do?

I arrived home later that evening, unlocking the front door, and started to get dinner ready. Ryan was out with Ricky probably going over something band-related. I heard the front door open and close about fifteen minutes later.

"Brianne?" Ryan called.


He walked in smiling and kissed me on the cheek as I diced up tomatoes, throwing them in the salad I was currently preparing.

"How was work today?" Ryan asked, picking a crouton out of the salad and popping it into his mouth.

"Dead as fuck."

Ryan chuckled, shaking his head. "That bad?"

"I'm afraid the studio won't last and I'm going to be out of a job."

"Well, then you could join me on tour."

I looked at Ryan and gave him a stern look. "I'm serious, Ryan."

"I know. I was trying to cheer you up." He said, rubbing my shoulders.

"I'm sorry. It's just been bothering me all day."

"Why don't you sit down, relax and I'll finish making dinner, okay?"

I nodded my head and walked into the living room to sit down on the couch. I sank into the cushions and propped my feet up onto the footstool. I tried to take my mind off of the whole studio thing but nothing was working.

Ryan finished cooking and beckoned me to come into the dining room as he set our dinner on the table.

"You know it just dawned on me."


"Gaia could always help you out if you need some photography work done."

"She's got her projects."

"Doesn't hurt to ask," Ryan stated, putting food on my plate.

After dinner I was lying in bed while Ryan took a quick shower, I picked up my phone and called Gaia on Facetime.

"Hey, girl!" She answered, smiling.


"What's up?"

"Not much. Hey, would you be willing to work with me with some photography?"

"Yeah, but I'm gonna be in LA for some other things as well. But I'd love for you to come out and work on something together."

I paused for a minute to think about this. Certainly don't wanna keep running out on Emilee at the studio. Plus I know Ryan's going on another tour soon.

"Hey, Gaia?"


"Let me get back to you in a few."

"Yeah, sure it's no problem."

We hung up from each other and I laid my phone beside me and started putting myself into deep thoughts.

"Everything okay?" Ryan asked emerging from the bathroom.

"What do you think of me putting Emilee as co-owner/assistant manager? I mean she's been with me since the studio opened and she knows all the stuff I take care of and everything."

"I mean it's your business babe. If you feel like she'd do a great job then I say give her the opportunity. What made you think of this?"

"I was talking to Gaia and she's out in LA. I don't know maybe I could fly out there and I and her could work on something."

"What about your clients, Brianne?"

"I haven't had that many. That's why I'm freaking out about finances."

"You'll bounce back and you know I'll take care of you, Brianne." Ryan smiled kissing the top of my head.

I smiled at Ryan and placed my hand on top of his.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

After my break up with James I thought for sure I could never love again and wind up alone. I was truly thankful for Ryan and I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend.

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