Chapter 5

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Look who wrote an early chapter. Yup, I did. I found myself with writter's block after doing a different chapter in a different story so I was like "why not write a chapter for this book" so here it is. An early chapter.

        When the explosion took place, Edward was no where near his room. In fact, he was near his father's room and was about to ask him about something despite his father always ignoring him when he did so. The sound startled Edward and stopping him in his tracks. He had not gotten to his father's room quite yet.

        Asker had heard the explosion of the door as well, for he immediately opened the door to his room. He spotted Edward and for the first time, he actually looked at him like he meant something but not in a good way. It scared Edward, that look that his father held in his eyes. Then Asker once again paid him no attention as he ran past him in search for Grace. Edward just stood there wondering what the noise was and what he needed to do. That was when a simple thought crossed his mind. (Y/n). Where was she? Had she caused the sound?

        Edward then went searching for the girl, not knowing what was going on. As he walked down the halls of his home, he heard footsteps, many of them. He knew that it couldn't be good since all of the servants had long since left. Out of instinct, Edward started to run away from the people heading in his direction.

        "There's someone up ahead! Hurry before they escape!" he heard someone say. That confirmed Edward's suspicions. They were after him but why? What did he do wrong? Was it the things that his father did to him that caused these people to want to go after him? Edward didn't know, but what he did know was that he needed to run and so he did. "There he is. Hurry up! Get him!" the same voice shouted. Edward didn't dare look behind him. He ran as fast as he could towards the intersection of hallways that would allow him to escape. "A girl you say? Where? Okay. We'll get her once we're done over here," the guy said. He didn't say it loud, yet Edward heard him and it caused him to stop.

        He looked back and he relized that he shouldn't have stopped at all. They had guns and all seemed ready to shoot him. Edward started to run again and made it to the intersection of hallways "Don't let that boy escape!" the same man shouted. Edward kept running, but he knew wouldn't make it around the corner. He wasn't fast enough to outrun bullets although it didn't stop him from trying.

        When he heard the shots fire, he also heard something else that made him stop in his tracks. "Edward!" (y/n) called out. She'd pushed him out of the way of death.

        When he fell and looked back to where she was, she had been shot in his place. "(Y/n)!" he cried as he went to her.

        "You idiot! We're supposed to enslave the children not shoot them!" the guy from earlier said.

        "(Y/n)...wake up. Please...don't leave," Edward pleaded as he pulled (y/n)'s limp body into his arms.

        "Get the boy and let's go," the guy said.

        "But what about the girl?" another asked.

        "Are you stupid. Can't you see she's dead. We can't enslave dead children," the guy replied. Edward cried into the girl's hair and refused to let her go.

        " I going to die?" (y/n) asked. Edward was too shocked at the fact that she was still alive and able to speak to him for him to do anything. "I don't want to die a second time," she said as she started to cry. What confused him was her saying 'a second time'. When had she died the first time? Was it even possible for someone to die a second time?

        "You aren't going to die, I promise," Edward whispered as he hugged her. It was then that the men with guns took hold of him attempting to pull him away from her, but Edward had just promised her that she wouldn't die so he wasn't going to let her go. "No! Leave me alone!" Edward shouted as he tried fighting them while holding on to (y/n).

        "You damn brat. Let go! She's dead," one said as he kicked him. They finally managed to separate Edward from (y/n) even though Edward fought them the whole time. Letting them drag him away without a fight was not an option. Before he could be dragged too far away,  he saw (y/n). She was actually trying to get up and was now on all fours with a glare shooting right at the men who were taking Edward away. Her bloodstained clothes dripped and only added to the creepy aura that she was starting to give off.

        "Leave. Him. Alone!" she said as she stood up. The men looked at her with shock.

        "That girl is actually alive. That's impossible," one said.

        "That's not a human. No way is that thing human," another said.

        "Shoot it!" the one that must have been the leader shouted as (y/n) started to glow with her usual magenta aura.

        "No!" Edward shrieked but it was too late to do anything about it. As strange as it was, the bullets didn't even hit (y/n). They bounced off of her magenta aura that seemed to serve as a shield. Despite the aura shielding her, (y/n) fell back down to the ground. She didn't get up this time and she didn't move even in the slightest bit. The music box that Edward had given her had fallen out of her pocket and opened from the impact of hitting the ground. The song now haunted Edward and he had a feeling that it would always would.

        At that point, he lost his will to fight. What was the point anyway. He didn't know where his parents were and his best friend had just died in front of him. What else was he supposed to fight for? "Let's go before it gets back up," one of the men said. Edward looked at his friend for one last time and saw the reason why the man had said what he'd said. (Y/n) was not dead. She may have been shot and bleeding but she was somehow not dead. Seeing the slow rise and fall of her chest as though she were merely sleeping was the last thing Edward saw before being hit over the side of the head and knocked out. That was the day he was sold into slavery and he would surely not forget that day.

Alrighty folks! I've got some more chapters to write for other books (unless you guys want me to binge write for this book today) so until next time you spectacular readers!

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