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      I flew above the few warriors who volunteered themselves for the attack. I squinted to see what was ahead through the harsh sunlight, up ahead, was a force of roughly four-hundred soldiers, with several large cages being pulled by horses, each with several very unhealthy and abused looking prisoners. As we got closer, The soldiers spotted us coming and started forming a shield wall. We out numbered the two-to-one, but I wanted to reduce casualties as much as I could, so I banked off to the right as our men charged at the shield wall. Doron and I flew in from the side, and Doron dove on the forces behind the front line and roasted dozens of men in one quick pass just as our men collided with the shield wall. Men started screaming and men started dying. As Doron flew over head, several archers started to fire arrows at him. The arrows bounced off his scales, which only pissed him off. He dove on the group of archers and laid waste to them. I surveyed the cages standing behind the lines, then I looked to the shield wall. My men were have a tough time breaking through, so I decided to give them a helping hand.

"Doron fire! Now!"

Doron dove to the shield wall and burnt a hole through it, allowing several of my men to get through and surround the remaining soldiers. As they fought viciously, I saw an over sized crossbow arrow fly past Doron. I looked to the side and saw a long range cross bow trained in our direction. These arrows were several feet in length, and could easily kill a dragon if they landed a hit in the right spot. Doron turned towards the three mega crossbows, and started towards them to get withing range for fire. He let loose with fire, destroying one of the bows, and its crew, but the second fired an arrow right at us.

"Bank left! Bank left!" I screamed.

But before he had a chance to move, the arrow lodged itself in Dorons left leg, causing him to squeal in pain. He banked off to the left and headed back towards the rest of the army. When the remaining warriors saw that I was retreating, they all abandoned the fight and retreated back following close behind. We left the fight having lost more than one-hundred men, and not freed prisoners, who would likely be killed afterwards. Worst of all, we didn't manage to kill every soldier, which meant it was only a matter of time before the king heard about the dragons.

We arrived back, where Doron crashed to the ground screeching in pain. I tried feverishly to remove the arrow, until finally, it jolted free. 

"What happened?" Micha said as she and Tahli came running up to me.

"He got hit with a long range cross bow... We had to leave the fight. Some of them survived. The rest of the world will find out about us now." I said sounding defeated.

Micha and Tahli looked at me with wide eyes.

"So... what do we do?" Tahli asked.

"There's only one thing we can do. Spread the word to as many villages as we can that you three have dragons, and hope that enough people join the fight." Said a random voice.

I looked to my right. It was the young man who had spoken with me before. Jonah Cruden.

"And how do you suppose we do that?" I asked.

"Send me, along with several dozen others around to start a world wide rebellion. We will join forces, and wipe out the king and his army." He said.

I gave him a funny look.

"You think that could work?" I asked Micha.

"It's worth a shot." She replied as Tahli nodded in agreement.

"Okay, you're on. Select a two-hundred men to go with you, and build us an army a million strong. Take your best pics, and spread the word to every village in this land." I ordered. 

He bowed to me, then turned and headed off into the crowd. I turned back to see Veracon and Ragon nudging Doron as he laid on the ground, moaning in pain.

"Will he be okay?" Tahli asked.

"Ya, he'll be fine in a few days." I said.

Several hours later as the sun started to go down, Jonah appeared from the army. He approached with around two-hundred men behind him, fully equipped to travel alone.

"Are these the best you could find?" I asked.

"Yes. They are determined, and capable. We will bring you back an army that will touch the horizon". He said while sticking his spear in the ground.

"Well, I wish you the best of luck, and should you not return, I thank you for your bravery." I said.

He turned away, and galloped off with his selected force until they disappeared under the horizon.

I laid my head down that night, just praying that we would have enough people to fight before the kings army were to find us... or else... we would all be killed, our dragons slain, and our future.... Destroyed.

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