"Can I ask you something?"
"Hello to you too," Finn put down his chips while shutting off the Television. "Go for it,"
"Did anything weird happen when you were a kid? Like anything that could trigger ptsd?"
The ginger girl watched as Finns expression completely changed from confused to angry
"Who said what?" He asked
"No one said anything! I was just curious,"
"Tell my mom I'm staying at Wyatts house."
The angered boy stood up grabbing his back pack and nothing else, he got into his car and drove off.Sadie sat in her room listening to the 1975 while finishing up some homework, everything seemed pretty good, until Millie pushed open Sadie's door
"Whoah! Calm down, what's going on?"
"You know damn well what's going! You asked Finn about his childhood! You thought that I had PTSD because of a nightmare!"
"I was just trying to figure stuff out! What's so bad about asking him about being a kid?"
"NOT THE POINT! The point is, you don't have to worry about me! Or what I'm doing! I'm not your sister Sadie! Now my moms gonna kill me!"
"Okay, I'm sorry! Don't worry, I'll tell her it's my fault he's staying at Wyatt's house."
Millie screamed before slamming Sadie's door and walking into her own room, bursting into hot tearsSadie's Perspective
I felt terrible, clearly something went on that I wasn't supposed to know about, at least things were kind of making sense. Finn always got up every night around 12:00-3:00 in the morning. Maybe he had nightmares about it too, just more than Millie. God I really fucked this one up, Mille was just starting to be nice and I fucked it up.When I'm finally allowed back downstairs, I see Finny on the ground. He has lots of owies on his face, and some bruises. "Finny!" I cry out running over to him. He smiles softly shaking his head, "don't cry Mills. It's just a big kid thing." I pout "You're only a year older! And you need help!" I wipe his bloody nose. "DADDY!" I call out,
"Millie! No!" Finny yells at me, daddy walks over
"Looky! He's hurt!" I whine, daddy yell for me too go to moms room and watch some tv while he helps Finny. I smile and run upstairs,I hear two more screams than silenceMillie shot up from her bed screaming louder than before, the frightened girl stood up locking her bedroom door before breaking down in tears
"Millie! Millie let me in!" Sadie yells from the other side of the white wooden door.
"Fuck off Sadie, you can't help me."
She sniffles before opening up her phoneMESSAGES BETWEEN
FINN AND MILLSMills are u still awake?
Finn it's 2:00 am.
Of course I amMills when are u
coming home?Finn soon enough, I know your mad
at Sadie so make Tea instead
of laying with someone.Mills Night Finny
Finn Night Mills
Raise your hand if your overly
emotional about this✋🏻✋🏻💁🏻♀️💁🏻♀️💁🏻♀️🤲🏻🖖🏻-🥀

cold hands↟sillie
Teen Fictionwhere two step sisters quickly realize they have romantic feelings for one another >>completed<<