Elizabeth's POV
I groan and sit up in bed as the morning sun hits me through the opening of the curtains. I now have the guest room in this house. I waddle out of the room and look around. Kelly's door is open and she isn't in there. "Kelly? Are you home?!" I yell through the house. No answer, Kelly is a bit of a partier and tends to drink too much. I just hope she's okay wherever she is.
Luckily, there is a Starbucks close to this place and I have some money. I go back in my room and put on a white shirt that says "My Chemical Romance" in black lettering along with my black leather jacket. I then pull on my light blue skinny jeans and black beanie. I am not even going to bother with make up right now, I just want some coffee. I run out the door and make my way down the sidewalk.
Klaus' POV
I am headed downtown to pick up some liquor. I have been thinking about that human girl ever since I last saw her. There is no way that I'm going to that house, that would seem pervy. Sighing, I try to change my thoughts and focus on my surroundings instead. It is very cold out here at the moment, that doesn't bother me of course though. The sky is grey and I prefer it that way. Oh who am I kidding, I don't care about how it feels and looks outside. That is when I see the beauty herself. Elizabeth is walking on the other side of the street from me. I smirk to myself, not about to miss this opportunity. I run across the street and walk behind her, careful not to be seen. I speed up and bring my hands over her eyes, "Guess who." She jumps and smacks my hands away, turning quickly to me. "Woah. It's just me love," I put my hands up showing innocence. She sighs, "Oh. Um. Hello Klaus." I smile, "So, where do you want to get breakfast?" She creases her eyebrows, "What?" I look down at her, "Breakfast. We are going together and you are going to tell me exactly how you got that bruise." She rolls her eyes, "Why is it any of your business?"
"Well, I would like to know who or what did that so that I can keep it from ever happening again."
She looks up into my eyes, "Waffles sound good."
We arrive at the local diner around 10am. I pull out a chair for Eli and she blushes the slightest bit. I sit across from her and lean over the table. She picks up her menu and starts running her eyes over it. "Love," I say in a whisper tone. "Yes?" she says, never looking up from her menu. "Are you ready to talk about that bruise?" She looks up at me quickly and shakes her head, "Look. I just met you and I honestly don't know why you care so much about a simple bruise." I put my hand over hers, "Elizabeth. I know that isn't just a simple bruise from a fall or everyday accident. I know that bruise was put there by someone. I would like to know who." She shakes her head, "I don't understand why you think someone did it. I just ran in to a door."
I sit back in my chair and sigh, "I will get it out of you sooner or later."
"Hi! What can I get you guys today?" the waiter asks.
Elizabeth sighs, "I will just take a stack of waffles, syrup on the side. Oh, and a cup of black coffee." She turns to me, "Oh, no nothing for me I ate at home."
Elizabeth stops me , "You gotta eat something. He will have two strawberry waffles with syrup on the side."
"Coming right up."
"What do you say we play Twenty Questions?" I ask. She shrugs, "Sure. I guess."
Elizabeth's POV
"What is your full name love?"
"Elizabeth Renee Johnson," I answer awkwardly, I hate my name. He smiles and I feel his foot move against my leg. "My turn I suppose. So um... How long have you lived in Mystic Falls?" Wow. Really Eli? That's the best you could do? He smirks acknowledging my struggle, "Long enough." What is that supposed to mean? Does he not like it here or something? "Why did you move to Mystic Falls love?" I sigh and move uncomfortably in my chair moving away from Klaus the slightest bit, "To get away from my dad."
Klaus' POV
Her dad. That is how she got that bruise on the side of her face. I definitely know how it feels to have an abusive father. I shouldn't mention it to her though because it may make her upset. But I can do one thing, I promise myself that I will never let that low life piece of trash lay another hand on her as long as she lives.
Elizabeth's POV
My dad slams the front door open, empty whiskey bottle in hand. I am cooking dinner for him so that maybe he won't be so mad. I am only 12 at this time. My father stumbles towards me, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?! I told you to never use the stove! That is my property!" He takes me by the hair and holds my face above the steaming stove top. I scream as loud as I can, "No! I will never use it again I promise!" He jerks my hair back and i go flying in to the counter top, head smacking against the dark marble.
"Elizabeth love. It is your turn," Klaus says worriedly. I jump half way out of my skin and his eyebrows shoot up. "Are you ok love?" He takes my hand small hand and holds it in his warm one. "I'm fine. So. Where did you get your british accent from if you live in Mystic Falls? Love," I smirk at him. "It's a family thing," he sits back and I can see his abs through his tight black button up. Oh god. I think I am starting to feel something for him. He sits forward and stares in to my eyes, "My turn. Would you like to go on a real date with me, Elizabeth Renee Johnson?"
I smile and heat rushes to my cheeks. "That sounds like a brilliant idea."

FanfictionMy name is Elizabeth, though my friends call me Eli. I haven't exactly had the best life. My mother left us when I was only a baby and my father is abusive. I have to get out of here, I have to get away from his ways. I have a friend that lives out...