Camila's POV
Dear Camila,
I've been gone for so long but I promise I will be home soon. This will all be over sooner than you can imagine, I promise. I miss you so much, I miss our family. I know it's hard raising our daughter on your own baby, trust me. You are exhausted all the time but soon, I'll be there to help you. Get lots of rest Camila don't worry about me because I will come home. I love you, Camila. Always.
Y/NTears formed in my eyes from reading my Wife's letter. Today marks the 365th day she has be gone, serving in the war. Every waking moment I am afraid I will receive that call, telling me she won't be coming home, ever.
She left when Layla, our daughter, turned two. It's not easy being without the support of my wife but, I was able to manage.
I wish she was here. I wish I had the warmth of her muscular frame pressed against my body when I sleep. I wish I could feel her lips against mine, warming my frozen heart. I miss her so much.
"Mommy?" I heard my daughter call from behind me.
"Yes baby?" I asked, picking her up and holding her in my arms.
"Hungry!!" I laughed, walking us to the kitchen and preparing some kraft dinner.
I opened the box and poured the pasta in the boiling water. I set the timer, waiting for the pasta to finish cooking.
"When Mama come home?" Layla asked and I felt a crack in my heart. She asked everyday, for a whole year. And I gave her the same answer, for a whole year.
"Soon baby. Soon." I told her, wondering myself when soon would come.
I mixed in the cheese and spilt the pasta into two portions.
"Cheese mac!!!" She exclaimed when I placed the food in front of her. I just laughed at my adorable daughter. We ate together and I couldn't stop thinking about how much she resembled Y/N. Layla has the same warm Y/E/C as Y/N.
"Mommy Cinderella?" My daughter piped up, asking to watch her favourite Disney movie.
I nodded and took out plates, placing them in the sink. I rinsed them off with water so the cheese wouldn't stick to them. Once finished I took Layla to the living room, setting up the movie. She cuddled up into my side, clapping her hands together as the movie started.
We must of fallen asleep together because when I woke up the movie was over and Layla was snoring softly against me. I smiled at the sight of my daughter, picking her up and tucking her in her bed so she could nap peacefully.
I walked back to the kitchen to clean the dishes I had left there earlier. As I was about to roll up my sleeves, I noticed a letter placed on the marble countertop. 'How the fuck?' I thought to myself.
Thoughts started to flood my mind, 'was there someone in the house?' I immediately thought of my daughter and her safety. But nevertheless, I reached for the letter.
Tentatively I ripped open the letter. It was folded so I undid it, preparing to read it. There wasn't much written on the paper but, my heart dropped in utter shock and confusion when I finished reading it.
Dear Camila,
Turn around.
My hands becoming clammy from sweating, slowly I turned around. Once I turned around I could not believe who I saw standing in front of me.
"Y-Y/N?" I stuttered, still in pure shock. I believed my eyes were playing tricks on me. Maybe I was still asleep and this was all just a dream.
She stood there, still dressed in her army uniform holding a paper in her hand. She cleaned her throat before looking down to read the paper.
"Dear Camila," She spoke, making my heart drop. She looked me in the eyes now, "I'm home." She smiled, opening her arms for me.
As soon as she opened her arms, I ran into them, tears now flowing freely down my face. I melted into her embrace, craving this feeling for so long. I sobbed hard into her neck, Y/N rubbing the back of my head gently, trying to comfort me.
"I missed y-you so f-fucking much!!" I yelled between sobs, hitting her chest from the overflow of emotions. She didn't speak yet, letting me continue. "Every d-day I feared y-you would d-die!! Everyday!!" My sobs turning into harsh hiccups as I grabbed onto her, fearing she would vanish.
She pushed me back so she could see my face. Y/N cupped mr cheeks before speaking, "I'm not going anywhere baby. I'm home now, just like I promised." She told me, warmly making my sobs calm down. A tear slipped down her cheek, "Home, forever." She spoke before pulling me back into her embrace.
We stayed like that for a few minutes, before I was the one to pull away. I stood on my top toes since I was shorter, pressing my lips to hers for a long awaited kiss. Y/N gripped onto my hips, pulling me even closer to her if possible. The kiss filled with so much love and passion, the both of us craving this for so long.
We pulled away at the same time, "Fuck, I missed your lips so much." Y/N said making me smile. She pulled me back in for another kiss, this one being shorter from a little voice interrupting us.
"Mama?" Layla spoke, her eyes showing how shocked she was.
Y/N lowered herself onto her knees, opening her arms for our little girl. "Mama's home princess." She said.
Layla ran into her arms and Y/N picked her up, spinning them around. "Mama!!!!! Mama!!!!" My daughter screamed for joy, I laughed at the most adorable sight I have ever seen.
Y/N pulled me in for a group hug and I have never been happier.
My family is back.
I smiled at that memory from 3 years ago. That was by far the happiest day of my life. My life seemed perfect for the year after Y/N came home, until we got a call.
Y/N was needed back into the war. I begged her not to go but I knew this was her job, she had to go.
I parked them car at the cemetery and walked over to a certain grave with our now 6 year old daughter.
The walk was silent, both knowing where we were heading. We stopped in front of the particular grave and I sighed, taking out the last letter I ever received in Y/N's name, unfortunately it wasn't written by her.
Dear Camila,
We are sorry to inform you that your wife, Y/N Cabello, will not be returning home. She took a bullet straight in her heart. She passed almost instantaneously. Our deepest condolences and prayers go out to you. You will be receiving a phone call later with more information. This is how Y/N requested us to tell you about what happened to her if anything, take care.
Military (sorry I didn't know how else to sign it 😂)A tear rolled down my face as I read the letter for the 100th time. I took my daughters hand, staring at my wife's grave.
In loving memory of Y/N Cabello,
Y/B/D - 2018She said she would be home forever. But, forever was gone in a second.
So originally I decided to leave it at the happy ending but then I was like let's spice it up a bit.
Hope you guys liked this one it's a little longer.
Thanks for reading and voting, I love y'all ❤️

Camila Cabello Imagines/Gifs
Fanfictionfor all my thirsty hoes out there i got you! (GxG) !!First few chapters will be short!!