* This chapter may contain grammatical errors and typos. *
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Hunter's POV
I walked back to where Tyler was, ready to go home and get ready for our dinner together.
As soon as I was in sight, Tyler's head snapped to my direction as if he were acting on instinct. His face was also immediately painted with a radiating smile and he ran towards me with open arms, crashing into my chest.
"Are you ready for our date?" I asked him as I held him in my arms, pressing our bodies close to each other. No one else around us seemed to mind our public display of affection. They didn't even notice the age difference.
"What time's our dinner reservations?" he asked me, looking up from my chest.
"It's not 'till eight o'clock," I said.
He buried his face in my chest for a bit and I just rocked us back and forth waiting for him to say something again. Rested my cheek on the top of his head and took in a deep breath, reveling in his smell.
A couple of minutes into our embrace, he looked back up at me. "Maybe we can go catch a movie before dinner?" he asked hopeful.
I leaned down to give him a peck on the lips and smiled. "Sure, baby," I whispered in his ear. We broke apart and I took his hand in mine, twining our fingers together as I led him to the car.
"How was school?" I asked.
He described it all in one word. "Boring," he deadpanned. I wouldn't blame him though. School was boring even for me, maybe for different reasons though.
"Really?" I mused.
"Yeah, because it's finals week, we're on block scheduling for the first two periods. I'm certain I passed those tests though," he cheered smiling up at me. I glanced at his direction and returned his smile.
"Wait, it's finals week? Are you sure we should be going out on a date tonight? Don't you have to study?" I asked, worried. I didn't want him to fail and classes or even struggle with any of them.
"No, babe. I already studied. Tests were finished by lunch, so I had about three hours of study time before school was dismissed," he said. I don't know if I should be buying this. I mean, it feels very irresponsible of me to take him out on a school night, even more after knowing that it was finals week.
"Are you sure?" I asked, glancing once more towards his direction then focusing back on the road.
"I'm positive, Hunter," he said, leaning in to peck my cheek. He still had that goofy smile on his face. "Now can we just enjoy our date? We haven't spent much time together since Sunday," he whined.
"I'm sorry, baby. Don't worry, I'll make it up to you tonight," I promised. Okay, maybe it was a bad idea to tire him out on a school night. Crap! I shouldn't have done that.
"Really?" he asked excitedly.
I thought for a minute. "Of course, baby. I missed you too, you know," I said. I couldn't say no to him. I knew he was aching for me and I felt the same too. I had to fulfill his needs.
We drove to the theaters closest to the restaurant for about thirty minutes and we were able to quickly find a parking spot. I stepped out of the car and rushed over to Tyler's side, but he already beat me to it.
"It's okay, love. I got it," he said, giving me a wink. I wound my arm around his waist and led him to the ticket booth.
I checked my watch to see what time it was, and we had a good three and a half hours for a movie. I looked up at the time table to see what movies we can watch.
"What movie do you want to watch, baby?" I asked him Tyler. He scanned over the listings for a few minutes and finally decided on a title.
"Maybe... The Fault in our Stars?" he asked.
I felt my face scrunch up at the suggestion. "Isn't that a chick flick?" I asked. I wasn't into those type of movies. I would have much preferred a comedy, action, or horror film.
"Oh, c'mon, Hunter. Please? I read the book and I really loved it," he pleaded. He put on a cute pout, which was what made me give in.
"Okay, baby. Anything for you," I grinned at him. He cheered and wrapped his arms around my neck to pull himself up for a kiss. I placed my hand on the small of his back to keep him steady at his position.
When we finally pulled apart, we both lined up for our tickets. the movie didn't start until five o' clock so we had a little bit of time left. Tyler kept gushing about how I would love the Augustus character in the movie and how he was getting worried that I might leave him for Augustus. I chuckled at his nonsense and just held him closer to me.
"Let's go Hunter, there might not be any good seats left," he panicked. He grabbed my wrist and hurriedly dragged me to the entrance of the auditoriums and then into one of the theaters. Sure enough, the room was packed.
I didn't realize that the movie just came out last Friday, so I guess we were even lucky enough to still snag some tickets for this showing. There was still ten minutes left before the commercials started, which would probably last for another fifteen minutes.
"Hey, baby, do you want any snacks?" I asked Tyler.
"No thanks, Hunter. I wanna save some room for our dinner later."
"Oh c'mon, babe. That's not for another three hours. You'll be hungry before then," I reasoned.
He thought about it and finally decided. "Fine, I guess some popcorn and soda will be fine," he said.
"No candy?" I asked. Maybe I shouldn't have. He was already acting a little different and hyper. Candy would probably only make it worse. I held my breath, praying he'd say no.
"No, it's fine," he said, smiling again. I could never get tired of his smiles. Not that I was complaining, but Tyler was all smiles today. I wonder what was going through his mind. Before standing up to get the food, I gave him a light peck on the lips.
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The movie finally started and I could already tell that this movie was going to be emotionally wrecking. Just within the first ten minutes of the movie, I was already hooked on the characters, and this wasn't even my type of genre!
Apart from the movie, I was able to have two hours of cuddle time with my baby, and it made everything so much better! I could tell he was also emotionally stricken by the story and it was refreshing to lean on each other during the movie.
Tyler was right about one thing. I really did fall in love with Augustus' character in the movie. I'll admit that I did get a little teary-eyes in those emotional scenes. I was heartbroken for Hazel and everything she had to go through.