12:01 AM - 6/8/18

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okay so what happened in the last few days u might ask?

wht am i saying, no one reads this stupid shit anymore lmao im just bOREDDD

but anyways, Hyperfocus Show 1 & 2

show 1 was during school and half the school came and saw it (since theres 2 show days) and since i was backstage, i couldnt rlly see it except when i sat at the floor of the back curtain and peeked. i would say tht it turned out well but it was hectic af and i knew tht it was horrible

one funny moment during this show was during one of the songs, someones voice cracked and karen, sadia and i started dying

time update: 12:21 AM

lmao i started watching videos on youtube but anywayyyssss

show 2 was after school and since we learned from our mistakes in show 1, it turned out waayy better this time

after the show we had a Q&A sesh in which the audience asked the cast questions. thankfully no one put me on the spot and didnt let me answer a question and i didnt get called out at all :)

stage fright at its finest ;))) 

but the show started at 5 so from 2:30-4:59 we just chilled out and sang throwbacks. i also broke my fast cuz daniel gave me some soda and then some parents bought some pizza for everyone and yea 

i mean, who could resist pizza, amirite?

time update: 12:47 AM

anyways, shows 3 and 4 r later today (as today is friday) and imma just fast and then break it if necessary (aka when theres pizza XD)

well, thts it for now

i should rlly study for the regents...should do tht now...

wht am i saying ik imma study and then start looking at miraculous comics XD

well, wish me luck!

-Rosie ;) 

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