R E G R E T😔

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I wake up

I was crying so much last night in made me pass out

After Sarah left Clinton punched me in the arm and started yell at me

Then the girl came down stairs and I bluntly told her to leave

After she left I started crying because I realized what I had done

Christian didn't come home all night so Clinton had to stay with me and make sure I didn't do something stupid

I went up stairs and my eyes were so red and heavy I just fell asleep

The next morning I woke up

And I thought that everything that happened yesterday was a dream

So I went to reach for Sarah and she wasn't there

So it was pretty clear that it wasn't a dream

I then sat up and dig my face in my hands and started to cry

"Why Mitchel the one think that was good in your life you had to fuck it up... I'll probably never see her ever again"

I said to myself

I then wiped my eyes and went on Instagram to distract myself

Then the first thing on me feed was Sarah

It's was a beautiful picture of her but he caption broke my heart a little

It said "It's Torture Being In L O V E💔🤧"

I wanted to like it but I wasn't sure if that was the best choice

I just sat there starring at the picture thinking about all the good times we had

Thinking about

Her smile...

Her laugh...

Her beautiful hair...

Her hugs...

Her kisses...

But finally

Her face when I last saw her

And how broke she was

How she was uncontrollability crying

And how she looked me with a look of betrayal and sadness

It broke me to see her like that but what broke me even more is that I was the reason she was feeling that way

I heard a knock on my door that broke my thoughts

"Hey Mitch it's me Christian can I come in?"

He asks

"Um y-yeah"

I say as my voice breaks

He walks in and closes the door behind him

"Are you okay dude?"

He asks


I say as I break down in tears

"I know I should be mad because of what you did to her but seeing you like this upsets me because I know you loved her"

He says

"Where were you last night"

I ask

"I was with Sarah she needed company and someone to talk to so I went to her place and don't worry I didn't do anything with her I'm not like that"

He says

"What did she say?"

I ask wiping under my eyes

"Not much she was to busy crying but I can tell she really loves you by the way she was crying over you I can see she cares"

He says as he pats me on the back

"But you fucked up and your going to have to do a lot to make it up to her I know that for sure"

He says as he gets up and leaves my room

I didn't know what to do

All I know is that I would kill the get her back.

So here's Mitchel perspective yes everyone is very sad but we need to get our favourite couple back together anyways hope you liked this chapter see ya 👋

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