Ocean Inside

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"Fantastic posing greed
Then we should feed our jewelry to the sea
For diamonds do appear to be
Just like broken glass to me." -Northern Downpour, Panic! At The Disco, 2008

The seas are complex.
Pushing, screaming, suffocating-
But they do not exist
Merely in water.
They are present in our
They are what can describe:
The ferocious tsunami in
Her Eyes,
The calm waters of
His Heart,
The high tides of
Their Brains,
The crashing waves of
Your Stomach,
The Ocean of
That can swell with a heartbeat
And fall with a tear,
The blinding pain of
Destructive Force
At the ready will of an emotion-
Eyes, sapphire,
Brimming with an ocean's deep;
Hearts, ruby red,
Pumping with an ocean's waves;
Brains, emerald,
Teaming with an ocean's wisdom;
Life, a diamond
A truly precious gem forged from the deep.

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