I wake up the second my alarm goes off. His coming back today. I can't believe I made it a whole two weeks without him.
There were a lot of tough times with him not being here. I woke up every night with the same dream. And did the same thing every night. Even tonight but I've gotten better at handling it by myself. I get up and quickly jump into the shower. I wash my body and hair. Then get out and dry off. Luckily I don't have school today because it's Saturday. I look at the clock when I get out and it's almost one o'clock. I go to my closet and take out a pair of jeans, a white cami, and a thin pink shirt. I slowly slip into them and some socks. Then back to the bathroom I go. I apply some mascara and eyeliner. Once I'm done I walk out and downstairs with my phone in hand.
It's just me, Ben, and Bear for today. We sit in the living room watching tv. Until I get the one text I have wanted all day. 'Just landed.' I feel relief fill my brain and heart. I know it's weird to feel relief in your heart but I do. I can't explain it. It's just there. I let out a sigh of relief.
"So I'm guessing they landed?" Ben says looking at me.
"Yep," I say popping the 'p' in his face.
"Good," he says back to me as Bear climbs into my lap.
"Who?" he asks with curiosity in his bright blue eyes.
"My friend," I say. I know if I tell him about Connor he'll tell Jen and I don't want that to happen. Well now anyways.
"What friend?" he asks still curious.
"Ummm......," I think for a minute. "A really, really close friend."
"Ohhhh," he says really cutely.
We sit there for a few more hours watching tv. Then I finally get another text. 'Want to come over?'
"Can you take me to Connor's house," I ask in a really, really, really sweet voice so that he has to say yes.
He let's out a sigh "okay."
"Yay," I say as he stands up and I grab Bear. We get in the car and start to drive there I text him. 'On my way'.
He quickly replies 'good, I need to see my girl.'
I feel the heat rush to my cheeks as I type. 'Awwwwww'.
We soon pull up to his house and Ben unlocks the doors.
"I'll pick you up at ten, okay," Ben says as I step out of the car.
"Okay," I say as I close the door behind me and wave to Bear in the backseat.
I slowly walk up to the front door with my phone in hand. I slowly approach the front door and ring the door bell. Almost immediately the door opens and I see the face I've been longing to see for the last two weeks. He hugs me the tightest I think he ever has.
"Come in," he says as he drags me in still hugging me. He all too soon pulls away and I already miss the feeling of his body close to mine.
"Here let me take your jacket," he says as he walks to my back and grabs my jacket.
"NO," I say a little too fast.
"Why not?"
"I'm fine really."
He puts his hand up to my cheek and lets his thumb go behind my ear. "Is something wrong?"
"No," I say looking at my boots.
"Something wrong. Just tell me please." I look into his eyes his really concerned.
"Just something on my arms."
"I don't care. Please."
I think should I let him see what I did to myself? Will it make him feel bad?
I slowly let my jacket fall. He grabs it just before it hits the ground. I slowly adjust my sleeves to cover the noticeable gauze around my arm.
"What are they from," he says moving both of my sleeves so he can see the gauze that is tightly wrapped around my forearm.
"Dreams," I say as I feel the dreams pop into my head I hold back some of the tears but a few manage to slip out anyway. They work there way down my cheek. Connor slowly wipes them away from my face.
"About what," he looks really concerned. Should I tell him? I mean I'm already keeping my medicines a secret from him should I really keep these to myself.
"Can we talk about this somewhere else," I plead I don't want his parents to over hear and I don't like people seeing me cry. Only a few people have truly seen me cry. And I trust Connor enough to let him see me cry.
He guides me up the steps and down a hallway. Then opens a door to a dark blue room with a bed and desk in it.
He walks in and I follow. He sits in the bed and pats the space next to him.
"So can you tell me what they were about."
I feel tears gather in my eyes as I say "you."
He has a shocked look on his face until he asks "and?"
I take a deep breathe. "You on a plane that-," I choke the tears back as he pulls me into his arms. "That was on fire." I say as the tears stream down my face.
"Shhhhhhhh, it's okay," he says as he rubs my back and cradles me in his arms.
We sit there for awhile until we hear a knock at the door. I quickly compose myself and wipe the tears from my face. Then get off of him I can see the sadness in his face as he says "come in."
His mom opens the door and looks at us. "Just making sure ya'll are okay."
"We're fine mom," Connor says a little annoyed.
"Okay then," she says as she shuts the door.
"So those are all my fault," Connor says pointing at my arms.
"No, of course not."
"Then how come you dreams were about me?"
"Connor, it's not your fault it's just I'm not use to being close to people like this. And it's just hard for me," I say as I choke back tears.
"Are you sure," he says as he gently grabs my face with both hands.
"Yes, I'm just not use to this. No ones ever meant so much to me like you have." Now his the one holding back tears. I crawl back into his lap and rest my head on his shoulder. Then he rests his on mine.
"I love you," he whispers into my ear.
"I love you, too."
Ten o'clock comes too quickly. I don't want to leave him I just got him back. I slide into the car and we drive off.

Becoming Wanted
Teen FictionWhat happens when a foster teen gets adopted? Will she end up liking her new family? Maybe even more than her real. Will she ever be accepted for who she is and what she wants to do? Or will this new family be her worst nightmare?