Run and Go (Joshler)

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CATEGORY: Joshler, best friends AU
FEATURING: bestfriends!Joshler
PROMPT: There's only one person Josh Dun can trust when he's in a tough situation, and that person is Tyler Joseph.
WORDS: Approximately 1,340

One of the attackers shoved Josh hard, and he fell backwards onto a pile of half-crumpled boxes. It was night, and the alleyway was lit only by the purple neon light of the bar to the left. To the right was a post office, but it closed up hours ago.

"Bastard," the other man said, and kicked at Josh's leg.

Josh tried to get to his feet, but just as he scrambled up, the first man swung his fist straight into Josh's face, knocking him back down. Once, twice, three times. Josh didn't try to get up again.

"Keep your shitty ass outta other people's business," the man growled. Josh braced himself for another blow, but the man turned away instead, storming back out of the alleyway. The second man gave Josh a look--possibly guilt--and then followed his friend.

When Josh first left the house tonight, he didn't think he'd end up getting in a fight.

He stayed there, half collapsed against the boxes, before eventually getting to hsi feet. The world suddenly seemed to spin, and little white stars moved and blinked in Josh's vision. He stumbled, leaning against the side of the bar, and tried to get his bearings.

Josh didn't know how long he stayed there, but it was still dark when the disorientation finally faded. Blood had been dripping from a cut above his eye, but now it had stopped, and he pressed a tentative hand to his face. The wound was closed, but he flinched at the pain beneath his fingertips. God, he must have been a mess. His face felt pretty banged up, and his body was definitely scraped up from the fall.

He managed to take a few steps, but then he started to feel dizzy again, and he leaned back against the brick wall. He was definitely not going ot be able to walk home.

Hands shaking slightly, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He almost selected his mom's phone number, but then stopped. He couldn't call her about this, she'd freak out when she saw him. His brother, or one of his sisters? No, they'd tell their parents. Scrolling through his contacts list, Josh stopped when he saw one contact in particular.

Tyler Joseph
(xxx) - xxx - xxxx

Of course. Who else could you call to come get you after a fight, if not your best friend in the whole world?

He pressed the call button, and waited. Josh had no clue what time it was--he should've checked before calling--but Tyler picked up just before the third ring. "Hello?"

"It's me, it's Josh," he said, and his voice cracked slightly. He licked his chapped lips.

"It's one in the morning," Tyler said, and Josh could picture him in his pajamas, sitting up in bed, doe eyes half closed and bleary from sleep.

"I know, I'm sorry." A small stab of guilt pricked at Josh's chest. "I'll let you get back to sleep."

"No, no, it's fine." Tyler yawned. "What's up?"

"I need you to come pick me up."

Josh heard the rustling of sheets on the other end of the line. "Sure. Where are you?"

"I'm outside Frank's, on Main Street."

More rustling, as if Tyler was getting dressed. "Are you okay?" His voice was more alert now, more awake.

"Just come pick me up." Josh paused. "Please." And then he hung up.

He put his phone back in his pocket, and leaned into the brick wall. He was worn out, and beat up, and he didn't want Tyler to see him like this. Still, he didn't have much of a choice. He couldn't walk home in this condition, he'd probably just walk into a telephone pole and make it worse.

A chuckle escaped his lips at the thought, though it hurt him, somehow, to laugh.

It didn't take long before Josh heard the low rumble of Tyler's old Toyota, and it parked in front of the alleyway. Tyler got out and looked around, seeming confused.

As always when he first saw Tyler, Josh's heart skipped a beat. He tried to ignore it, at least for the time being.

"I'm here," Josh called, trying to make his way towards Tyler, but he started feeling dizzy again, and he stumbled.

Tyler quickly moved forward, catching Josh before he could fall. "Whoa. Josh, how much have you had to drink?"

"Just a beer," Josh mumbled, which was true.

The other man looked as if he didn't believe him, but he didn't question Josh's statement. "Well, come on then." Carefully, he linked his arm with Josh's, letting the taller man lean on him as he carefully led him out of the dark alleyway.

As they stepped into the street, the faint white light from a streetlamp lit up Josh's face, and Tyler gasped.

Josh's face was black and blue. He had bruises above one eye, and on his left cheek. He also had a black eye, and there was a cut just below his eyebrow as well, which had trickled now dried blood a few inches down his face. There were small scrapes on his exposed arms and legs, but it wasn't clear whether or not he was injured underneath his clothes.

"Oh, my god, what happened to you?"

"I got in a fight," Josh managed, then chuckled again. It wasn't even funny.

Tyler carefully helped Josh into the passenger side of his truck and shut the door, getting into the driver's seat. Josh was still a little dizzy, but he was nonetheless strongly aware of Tyler's soft hands on his face, inspecting his injuries.

"Who did this to you?" Tyler asked quietly, brushing a gentle thumb over Josh's bruised cheek.

"Douchebag at the bar," Josh mumbled. Tyler's hands were cold--he'd always had naturally cold hands--and they felt good on Josh's swollen, aching face.

He'd been out for a drink, just trying to wind down after a long day at work, when he'd noticed a girl a few seats away. A man had been hitting on her, rather obviously, and she was clearly trying to turn him down. The man wasn't taking no for an answer, though, and just as he looked as if he might harm the girl, Josh stepped in and told him to back off.

The man and Josh had argued for a few minutes, but eventually, he left the girl alone, disappearing to another section of the bar. The girl, who identified herself as Debby, thanked Josh again and again for helping. They'd sat together for a bit, just talking, before Debby had to go home to her fiancé. Josh walked her out to her car, just to be safe.

Only moments after watching Debby drive away, the man who had bothered her, along with an apparent friend of his, shoved Josh into the alley behind the bar, and things only went downhill from there.

"That was so brave of you," Tyler said, quietly. Josh had almost forgotten that his friend was there; explaining the story had left him a little winded.

"I dunno about that," Josh mumbled, blushing slightly at Tyler's praise.

"Very brave," the other man insisted. He didn't say anything more, looking down slightly, and Josh realized Tyler was staring at his lips. His heart started to speed up in his chest, their faces only a few inches apart.

Then Tyler leaned in, cupping Josh's unbruised cheek in his hand, and pressed their lips together.

Now Josh was a different kind of dizzy. Tyler's face touching his made his bruises ache, but it was so worth it to feel Tyler's lips on his own. They were impossibly soft, and briefly, Josh forgot about the pain he was feeling.

All too soon, Tyler pulled back, but just a little. Their mouths were just an inch apart, and Josh could feel Tyler's soft breaths on his face.

"Let's get you home," Tyler said gently, "and clean you up."

He leaned back again and put the key into the ignition, starting the car. Josh was left in awe, and he sent a silent prayer towards the blinking stars that he hadn't just hallucinated that kiss as Tyler pulled onto the street and drove away from the bar.

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