Chapter 2 - A different kind of escort

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"Sha-cho, forgive the intrusion. You called for me?"

The CEO of Nogata Steel Inc. looked up from his stack of documents to gaze at his personal assistant. "Yes Tanaka san, are we ready to leave? It's nearly seven."

"I was on my way to the lobby, sha-cho. Your companion for tonight is expected to be there."

Nogata sighed and shook his head. "Yet another idea of yours. I have no need for anyone with me. I have to focus on what those Ukrainians want. I don't want distractions."

"My sincere apologies, sha-cho, but I disagree. Everyone will be accompanied. You would stand out on your own, and come off as... cold, distant. Uncooperative."

Nogata threw an amused glance at his assistant. "I'll mark this day down. Twenty years at my side, and you've stood to me maybe three times altogether." The younger man took a deep bow, now clearly nervous. "I simply don't have the time to entertain and look after a blonde doll while I try to keep our access to that pipeline. The women here don't know how to behave."

"With all due respect, I made sure it wouldn't be the case, sha-cho. Please allow me to bring her here."

Nogata waved his hand, going back to his documents. "Fine. But I want to be in the car at 7:20pm at the latest."


As the door closed behind his subordinate, Nogata Kazuhiro shook his head. Tanaka was always doing his best to look after him. A faithful, loyal employee. No, more than that: a retainer, like in the old days.

Tanaka had always acted like this, but since the death of Minako four years before, the man had turned into a mother hen. Becoming a widower had only convinced Nogata to dedicate himself even more to his multinational conglomerate. Sleeping only four hours a night didn't leave him enough time to feel the pain of an empty bed next to him. Tanaka's insistence at attempting to warm it both amused and irritated him.

With a growl of exasperation, Nogata put his papers away and reclined in his deep leather armchair to gaze outside the window of his executive suite. Those damn Ukrainians. Almost as bad and untrustworthy as Russians when it came to negotiations. Almost. Russenko was a shrewd dog, and that's why Nogata was here in person. No way he'd send anyone in his place. They only respected brute power and authority. Well, they were about to see that he hadn't built his empire by playing nice.

A knock at the door jolted him from his ruminations, and a glance at his watch told him it was 7:10pm. "Come in!" he bellowed.

Tanaka opened the door, bowed and stepped aside. Behind him, a slender and tall brunette appeared and took two steps inside the room. She stopped, hands folded in front of her, and bowed, eyes downcast. She wore a slim black dress with an impossible cleavage, and black and silver stilettos that matched her earrings and necklace. Nogata quirked an eyebrow. For a Westerner, she knew how to hold herself. That bow had been too short, but only by a few degrees.

"Sha-cho, this is Ms. Isabel Duarte who will accompany you tonight."

Nogata rose and approached them, eyes on the girl, assessing. "I see. Well, I don't have time to waste on plaisanteries. We leave immediately."

"Of course, sha-cho. I will bring the car right away." Tanaka headed outside, leaving the two others alone in the room.

"Ms. Duarte, I am Nogata. I am here in Los Angeles for business. Business only. It appears that my assistant thinks it is a good idea I attend this highly important meeting with someone hanging on my elbow. I disagree, but it's too late now. You are here and paid for. Be smart, be discreet, and if I feel inclined and I have time for this, entertain me a little bit with some conversation."

The woman bowed again and looked up. She wasn't small, but he was a tall and large man, something rare for a Japanese man of his generation. He had a good head above her. His sharp eye caught the telltale sign of lines next to her blue-gray eyes, but it was the steadiness in her gaze that told him this was no girl anymore.

"Of course, Nogata sama," she replied, and he blinked at her low voice and appropriate use of the honorifics. "As a Platinum customer, you are entitled to require anything from me," she went on with a smooth tone before handing out a flyer.

He frowned and stared at the paper without taking it. "To be honest, I don't care about this. I only demand you do not create any disturbances and obey my instructions. This shouldn't take long, though. Let's go now."

Without a glance back, he headed out with purposeful strides. The sound of clicking heels followed him as they went to the elevator. "For your information, our hosts tonight are Ukrainian businessmen. Don't talk to them unless if spoken to, and even then, keep it short. I don't want the discussion to get sidetracked." He caught her frown before it disappeared. "What?"

Duarte blinked and pinched her lips. The elevator doors opened on the lobby floor and he walked toward the exit. "My apologies. It's not my place to comment, Nogata sama."

"It's not, indeed. But you seem to have a past experience with this kind of people?"

Duarte let out a sigh that he wouldn't have caught if she hadn't stood right on his left while they went out of the door. "In my line of work, you meet all kinds of people. And while I know better than making generalisations, I..." Her voice trailed off as Tanaka opened the rear door of his black Mercedes.

Interest piqued despite himself, Nogata sat down; he waited until she was inside and the door shut. "You...?"

Duarte took time to smoothen her dress, and crossed long and slim legs before facing him to stare at him squarely, her pretense at polite subservience gone. "I have learned to be extremely cautious. Sometimes, 'businessmen' is a soft word for 'thug in a smart suit'. Especially when they come from that part of the world. But not only from there."

Unable to help it, Nogata threw her a smile. "Indeed. And I can tell you those men tonight have feet on both sides of the fence. With a heavier tilt on one side." She opened her mouth before closing it quickly and staring in front of her, swallowing a comment. A faint blush painted her cheeks. He took pity on her.

"And no, Ms. Duarte, it's not my case. But in my line of work, it's a world I have to deal with, along with all the unpleasantness. Anyway, it's good you're aware that this is no ordinary meeting." An idea struck him. "Now that I think of it, maybe you could prove yourself useful..."

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