Buy Me Please~

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Bill went looking for Dipper around the house "Dipper?" "Dipper....?" "Hello.....?" Bill saw that Dipper was no where in the house. There on the bed was a note it read.

"If you ever want to see your precious Pinetree again. I advise you to do exactly as your told. Trust me you wouldn't want us to hurt him we see how precious he is to you. Plus not to mention how white and perfectly smooth his skin is. You wouldn't want us to ruin it would you? So we want you to give us 15,000 dollars by midnight tonight"

Bill slammed hand against the wall "Damn!" Under the note there was a small playable disk. Bill picked it up and put it in the DVD player. It play a 30 second video of Dipper tied up and two men rubbing his face and his body. Ropes wrapped all around Dippers body with a blind fold in and a ball gag in his mouth with writing on his chest "I'm so pretty" Bill nearly punched the tv but stoped him self and thought for a moment. His powers were weakened state since Bill intertwined his and Dippers mana energy.

So he couldn't teleport to Dipper or near him. He had to just try and figure out where Dipper was, until he got close enough to sense him. Bill dropped the note and walked out to the road. "Fuck!" He shouted. As he looked down looking to the left he found tire marks, almost gone. Or at least the people tried to cover them up, but it was raining last night so they stayed there. "The fucking bastards left tire marks." Bill smiled and started to follow the tire marks.

They kept going up until they hit a backroad then the mud left by the tires went down the road a little. Bill ran back to the cabin grabbing his keys and driving up the road where the mud streaks were. When he got to a corner he saw skidded tire marks he followed those.

They led up the road the bit they slowly disappeared. Bill kept going to that road till he came into a narrow ally there was a shady looking building in the back.

"MMMPPPPHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" A muffed scream was heard from inside. It sounded like Dippers. Bill powers were almost at its best when he was so close to Dipper. Bill looked through the window and saw Dipper tied up against a wooden pole with tears dripping down his face.

Bill backed away slowly and kicked down the door. Every man in the room turned towards him with a gun in hand "Finally...." said a man with a smirk clearly on his face. "I hope you have the money we asked for. Or some bad things are going to happen to your precious little boy." The man grabbed Dippers face.

Fire started to rise from Bills body red flames burst from his eyes. "لا تضع إصبع آخر على شجرة الصنوبر بلدي" (Do not put another finger on my pinetree)

Bill turned all there guns inside out and took all the bullets out. Bill sent them flushing is all different directions. It hit all the men in the room they all fell to their knees. The man shot another gun right into Bills chest but before it hit him bill disintegrated it. As the man watched Bill said "سوف تندم على اليوم الذي عبرت فيه دربى." (You will regret the day you crossed my path.) Then the man crumbled into dust.

Bill ran to Dipper and untied his hands and Dipper feel to the floor Bill caught him in his arms, and took off the blind fold. "I'm so sorry" Bill said. Bill gave him his shirt. Dipper could barely stay awake more or less move, so Bill picked him up and walked out to the car and put him in. "I'm so sorry I let them hurt you....." Dipper moved his hand to touch Bills face. Bill held Dippers hand and kisses it. "It's okay now..."

I hope you guys enjoyed that sorry it took me so long to write it but I was busy with family. I'm writing is much better during school. A lot stuff there that will motivate you if you know
what I'm saying 😉 until next time your author forever K.T

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