Ya Abdul's povHave tawwakul in Allah , Humaira, verily every soul shall taste death, thats the inevitable truth...instead of crying , pray for him, i consoled my sister Humaira who is crying very hard,
Me too i am crying inside , i really sympathize with Husna, her Dad passed away this morning
We are now on our way to their house, she is just a small girl, 17years, and the only daughter to her parent, now she is an orphan
We arrived at Arkilla nasarwa( it is an area in sokoto), were they reside
When we arrived , there are a lot of men in front of the house, i told Humaira to call Husna nayi mata gaisuwa, she went inside the house, whilst i joined the men, offering sallama to all, thou Allah ya jikan sa da rahma, yasa ya huta, Ameen ya Allah they all answered, i then find a place and sat down waiting for Humaira and Husna......
Humaira's Pov
As i entered Husna's room, she hugged me crying, I hugged her back , telling her to have tawakkul that everything will be alright, may his soul rest in perpect peace, Ameen
"salamu Alaikum", Came Zainab's sallama, waalaikissalam, we both answered together with others that are in the room, we did a group hug consoling Husna...
We went to her mom( Aunty Maryam), mukai mata gaisuwa and the rest of her relatives, my mom also came with Zainab's Mom , sukai mata gaisuwa
We then went outside thier house(tsakar gida), ya Abdul yayi mata gaisuwa, but Zainab refuse ta rakamu
It's around 8:30pm, when i returned home exhausted, i took a cool shower, wore my nighties, pray Isha'i, recite my Azkar, then did a very long Du'a for Husna's Dad and also Zainab's Dad, and the entire muslim Ummah...
** Three days later**
Today , most of our course mates came to Husna s house for gaisuwa with some few lecturers, Husna's Dad is a well known Prof. , many lecturers know him
Abdulnasir also came, he imform me that his father's health is now stable, Alhamdulillah
Uhhh , shi kenan Dad ka tafi ka barni da mom, Husna said with teary eyes
Dont say that Husna, kowa ma fa sai ya mutu, thats the truth
Thats how we kept consoling her. And our second semester exams is around the corner....
******ONE MONTH LATER*****
Ammar's Pov
It is one month now....
Today is Monday, and also today is the day I and Abdul will start working at Abba's Company as Managers ....Alhamdulillah alaa kulli haal
Yayaaaa!!! You are late oooo Abba and ya Abdul za su tafi su barka (they will go and leave you), shouted my Sister Hanan from downstairs
Yesterday , Abdul came together with his sister Humaira, tazo Hutu, but will be returning next week
Ok, Hanan i am coming, i said putting on my wristwatch, sprayed my designer's perfumes then went downstairs to take my breakfast were all the family gathered to take there breakfast
Assalamu Alaikum, i salamed
Waalaikissalam, answered all of them, i then joined them , i sat across Humaira, i want to look at her , but my mind is telling me not to, cause its not Good in islam to looked at non muharramma , but one look is permissable ...After we are through with our breakfast, we all went to Abba's Company, Abba introduce us(i and Abdul) to all the workers imforming them our position in the company, we then went to the, 6th floor , were our offices are located
Wow, ma shaa Allah, the offices look beautiful, mine is Black and Golden while Abdul's own is cream and dark brown in colour
Thank u very much Abba , we will surely did our very best, jazakallah khair, we thanked him once again
Its nothing , you are all my sons , he said patting our back
Congratulations to both of u , my stepmom congratulated us, followed by her children(Anas, Akil, and Hanna), but i can sense jealousy in that
My sister Hanan hugged the hell out of me, hey i cant breath, oops sorry yaya Ammar , i am just toooo happy for you, may Allah put his baraka in all your dealings, Ameen
She also congratulated Abdul and pray for his success, his sister Humaira hugged him too congratulating him, she then turned , and...
My ebony eyes meet her honey brown ones, she smile shyly then said, congratulation umm... Ahh..ya..ya..Ammar, .......
This is for today, hope i tried my best, and pls endeavor to check my other story"married to my arrogant cousin"Thank you all for reading my story , and i am very sorry for all the mistakes and gramnatical errors, i have already warned you that the story is unedited
And also i will be updating "Aisha Humaira" weekly..in shaa Allah
I leave you in peace...love u loads😘

RandomHis gaze met mine for some seconds, i immediately diverted my gaze from his coz its haraam to look at non muharram for more than 3seconds, Astagfirulla i mutered under my breath, then i walked past Him, i heard him too saying Astagfirulla... *** **...