Chapter one

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Trigger warnings: Suicide attempts, suicidal thoughts, self-harm, violence, torture, hateful words, cursing, bullying, self-hate, Panic attacks,

Other tags: Extremely protective class 1-A, no pairings...well yet anyway, emotional-physical hurt/comfort, OOCNESS(please don't comment on the oocness of this story. I'm aware that it is OOC. You don't have to tell me, thank you.) Also I have nothing against height differences. I'm short myself.

Hey guys, I'm here with another story. I love Boku no Hero Academia! 

Izuku Midoriya had always been short. Well, shorter than his classmates. Even Uraraka was a few centimeters taller than him. But he hadn't realized it was a big deal. That is until...he was accepted into UA. Everyone there was taller than him except Mineta, who always had the stature of a child. Everything started going fine, that was until Monoma started picking on Midoriya for his height. Izuku never told anyone, and it was getting progressively worse. Especially when Izuku found out his father...was a villain who murdered millions of people and destroyed many cities.

"You always think you're better than everyone else! You're nothing but a short ass piece of crap!" Monoma yelled to Izuku as he pushed him into the wall. It was after class and Izuku had told his friends he'd catch up with them. He thought he was finally going to get some alone time, but boy was he wrong.

Izuku was letting Monoma push him around. What else was he supposed to do? Fight back. Nope the kind-souled boy refused to fight back. If it was a villain or someone hurting his friends or those he cared about. He would have fought to the death. But...his friends lives weren't in danger. So he didn't fight back.

"You are weak!" Yelled Monoma. He once again hit Izuku in the stomach leaving him on the ground in pain. Once Monoma left and was out of sight, Izuku got up and walked himself to his room. He shut the door behind him.

Collapsing on his bed he let a few tears leak out. He fell asleep soon after.

With the rest class 1-A

"Hey, has anyone else noticed how Midoriya seems...different?" Kirishima asked. All eyes turned to him.

"Now that you mentioned it...he has seemed a little off lately," Iida stated. They carried on the conversation until said person entered the room.

"Hey Deku! How are you?" Uraraka asked. Izuku smiled at her. Everyone noticed it wasn't as bright as usual.

"I'm good," He replied. They decided to let it slide for now, however...class 1-A was beginning to worry for him.

The news, which was on in the student lounge came on with a urgent message. Their attention was drawn to the TV.

'The villain known as fireblast strikes again' was the headline. Izuku stared at the screen.

'No this is not happening...' He thought to himself. He found himself unable to breath, unable to move. His breathing accelerated and he felt like he was drowning.

"-ya, Midoriya!" Someone yelled. All of his classmates were looking at him with concerned expressions. Izuku was looking at them with wide eyes. Todoroki was instantly in front of him. The half cold-half hot boy put his hands gently on Izuku's shoulder.

"This isn't happening..." Izuku said breathlessly.

"Midoriya you have to breath, I know it feels like you can't...but you can. Slow deep breaths," Todoroki said softly. Izuku however seemed to panic even more. Todoroki looked into his eyes. Fear and panic. Izuku's eyes were wide in alert. He was mumbling incoherent words. This only further worried his classmates.

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