The New Bad Boy
Chapter 6
"Dad it's not what it looks like," I started, shoot that was DEFINATLY the wrong way to start.
"This boy, didn't I tell you that he was a bad influence!" my dad shouted speaking to my mum
"Alex I think we need to calm down and ask the kids what happened," my mum said calmly to him
"Nicki, do you really think so? They aren't going to lie are they?" my dad asked sarcastically causing my mum to roll her eyes.
"Alex all we did was what you guys did to make us, it's not a big deal," Chance said smirking putting his arm around my waist as my dad's eyes almost popped out of their sockets.
"He's lying!" I shouted pushing him away from me and I moved as far away as possible.
"We didn't! Mum, you know I'd never do that, I don't even know him!" I exclaimed as I walked up to her as she just nodded.
"But I don't know you'd never do that," I heard my dad mutter
"Alex let's just listen to Mia, I'm sure she had a rational explanation as to why she's wearing his shirt," my mum said
"I already told you Mrs. Zeakeal," Chance stated leaning casually against my door frame.
"Basically, Chance as I told you, parked in my space, and decided to do it again so I put a clamp on his car and he took me hostage, taking me to the beach and then dumped me in the water because I didn't say what he wanted, so I did and because he didn't want me to soak his car he made me wear his shirt. Finished!" I explained
"Yeah she admitted that she loved me," Chance said
"No I didn't I said I wanted you," I stated and saw my dad's face go even angrier
"ONLY because he would have taken me hostage for longer and I was lying!" I explained so that he didn't believe that I actually wanted Chance, as if!
"Is this what happened?" my dad asked Chance
"Yeah basically, but she left out some important parts, like the part when we had sex," Chance said still smirking. My dad instantly walked over to Chance as they got in each other's face, Chance enjoying the challenge as they stood head to head, both of them the same height. I quickly slid in between them pushing both of them slightly back.
"WOAH! We didn't dad believe me plus you know when I'm lying," I insisted to him.
"Alex do you really want to fight a child?" my mum asked him.
"Get out," my dad growled
"With pleasure," Chance said
"Hey Mia. Chance!" Amy said running down the stairs. I smiled as she glowed, believing that she was running towards me, I held my arms open, only for her to run past me and towards Chance who scooped her up spinning her around.
"Amy get back here," my dad tried to say calmly which was unsuccessful, the bitterness and anger in his voice showing
"Hey Amy! I'm see you later, I don't think your dad wants me in here anymore and to tell you the truth I have to go," Chance said winking at Amy as he set her back on the floor.
"See you Mrs. Zeakeal and Mia thanks for today you were really good at it," Chance said smirking
"Get Out!!" I and my dad screamed at him at the same time. He finally chuckled before leaving.
"I don't want you to hang around that boy, speak to him or even glance his way and as for work I'll call and tell them it was a family emergency because your not leaving this house for the rest of the day," my dad stated before walking away. I sighed and then realised that I didn't have my bag or my phone because I didn't collect them from Chance. I growled and ran out the door just as he sped away,
"Thanks for your phone Mia!" He shouted holding it up as he drove away.
"Brilliant" I mumbled before going back inside. The day went fast however I couldn't do any of my homework so I knew that tomorrow I'm would be in trouble.
I woke up and did my usual routine, putting on a white vest top, a crop top and a light blue jean skirt with shorts underneath in case anyone tried to lift it up. Oh crap! I don't have a car! I just remembered.
"Morning," I said as I sat down at the breakfast table
"Morning sweetie, err where's your car?" my mum asked
"Remember I got kidnapped from school so it's at school," I replied
"Do you want me to quickly drop you off at school, then maybe you can finally park in your space?" my mum suggested making a wide grin form on my face.
"You know me too well," I said digging into my cereal eating it fast but not fast enough to choke.
"Hurry up then so that you get to school before your dad gets ready to leave," my mum said.
I did as she commanded and was finished in a matter of time.
"Let's go," I said feeling empty with out my bag, however I'd get it within a matter of time. Wait where are my keys? I quickly ran upstairs and got them out of my now dry jean shorts before meeting up with my waiting mum.
"Where's you bag?" my mum questioned I gave her 'the look' asking 'what-do-you-think?'
"Chance?" she asked smiling
"Chance," I replied. She dropped me at school and luckily my parking space wasn't occupied. I thanked her, told her to say bye to my dad and Amy before running to my car, kissing it once I reached it.
"I missed you soooo much!" I said in between kisses, I'm lucky I clean it every week otherwise I'd be kissing dirt. I hopped in putting my keys into the ignition and started her up before softly parking her back into my usual parking spot.
I got out and kissed 'Becky,' yes I have a name for her (my car) and I kissed it one more time. It had only been one day but she was like my baby, if you were away from your child would you not miss her?! I thought so!
"I see your practicing kissing on your car," I heard Chance say from behind me. I wasn't surprised he had seen me; he always seems to be there at the weirdest times.
"Where's my bag?" I asked looking at him annoyed by his presence already.
"I have it right here as well as your phone, but...I want a kiss for them," Chance stated smirking
"Are you kidding me?" I asked dumbfounded.
"Nope," he replied
"No way," I stated finally before walking away
"Fine then we'll see what your science teacher has to say about you not doing your homework," he said from behind me
"Yeah, I'm going to tell her right now!" I shouted so that he could hear me.
"Adam, can you come with me to tell Mrs. McGlin that I didn't do my homework because someone stole my bag please?" I asked linking arms with him pulling him anyway.
"I guess I will," Adam answered laughing
"Do you know who stole your bag?" he asked on our way to science
"Yeah, it was Chance and he has my phone as well," I answered, immediately annoyed again.
"Oh," Adam said before laughing
"It's not funny," I said barging him to the side which was a bad idea since we were linked, causing me to move with him anyway.
"You guys aren't serious," he stated but I just ignored his comment.
I told my teacher and she just nodded in understanding, by that time it was time for homeroom which I was late for. I didn't need to apologise since my teacher didn't care but I glared at Chance as I entered before sitting next to Sasha and Angie.
"Why were you late? Chance told us that you were here early," Angie asked
"Oh did he?" I asked looking at him to see him face me, smirk and then face the guys again.
Homeroom was over soon enough and it was now my first lesson. I went to my locker to get my book and opened it to bag? I took it out and looked through it to see everything in there including my phone.
"I guess you found it?" I heard Chance ask from behind me
"Yeah, but did you break into my locker?" I asked still looking through my locker
"Yeah it was pretty easy to crack," he replied and I could hear the smirk in his voice as he leaned on the locker beside mine.
"So you break into peoples lockers, kidnap them plus steal their things, what can't you do?" I asked sarcastically
"Well nothing actually," he answered any way as I closed my locker
"So where are you off to?" he asked throwing his arm over my shoulder
"My lesson," I answered trying to remove his hand off my shoulder as I walked towards my lesson. He steered us making us walk towards the school entrance, but he was too strong for me to fight off.
"I don't think so, how about we go on a little trip?" Chance asked even though I knew I had no say in it
"No, we went on one yesterday thanks to you. Why can't you bug another girl?!" I complained
"Because you just happened to catch my eye," he answered winking at me while I still tried to fight him off.
"There's no point in trying to fight me off. Anyway I think you like the view off my ass since you kept touching it yesterday," Chance said leaving me confused until he threw me over his shoulder once again.
"Arg! C'mon! Why does all this stuff have to happen to me?" I asked mainly speaking to myself
"Because Mia, you're just too good, you need some bad in you and I'm just gonna teach you a few things," Chance answered anyway.
What do you think he's going to teach her and where do you think he's taking her?!
Comment please because I'd like to hear your ideas and opinions on the story so far
Please and Thank You
Mercy :)
p.s VOTE!!!