A/N: this is the next day
Jin P.O.VI woke up to the sound of quiet snoring in my ear. I felt arms around my waist and I smiled. Daddy must of been tired. He barely cuddles me like this anymore. I felt Daddy shift and put his head in the crook of my neck. I giggled when his breath hit my neck and ear. It tickles, Daddy... I thought, not wanting to wake him up. I feel him gently kiss my neck, then my ear, then my head. I smiled. "Good moning, Daddy. How'd you sweep?" I whispered to him. "Good morning Baby. I slept good! How'd you sleep?" He said in his raspy voice. "I slept good, too!" I said as I sat up. "You hungry, hun?" Daddy asked he as he got out of bed.
"No not really Daddy." I said, getting out of bed too. Daddy went downstairs probably to make himself food. "Baby, Daddy's having his friends over. Do you want to meet them?" Daddy asked as I followed him. "Well... I-I don't know. Last time, your fwiends were not so fwiendly." I mumbled to him, sitting at the table. "But this time, I know for a fact they'll be nice. They have secrets of their own." Daddy told me with a smile. "W-well, okay. But if they're mean, they go!" I said, pouting. Daddy kissed my head and chuckled. "Alright, alright. Deal." That made me smile.
Namjoon P.O.V
"Baby, go upstairs and get ready they are gonna be here any minute. Okay?" I asked Jin just nodded. When he came back, he was wearing a white crop top shirt and light blue jean short shorts. He also had on light pink thigh highs. He also wore a new collar I got him.
"Do you like my owfit, Daddy?" He asked, twirling so I could see the back too. I smiled and gave him a kiss. "I love it, Baby." After multiple hours of waiting, I heard the doorbell ring. "Oh! That must be them!" I went to the door and opened it. "Hi Jungkook! Hi Yoongi! I haven't seen you two in so long!" I said, hugging the two of them. "Where's Y/N?" I asked, not seeing her. Her little, Hoseok, spoke up. "Uhh, Y/N is sick. So she couldn't make it. But the rest of us could." He said. He must not be little right now. "May we come in? It's kinda cold..." Jimin, Yoongi's little, asked. Tae, Jungkook's little, nodded. "Yeah. Can we?" I nodded and ushered them inside. "Yes! Please come in." They must not be in little space, either.
Once everybody was inside, they quickly made themselves at home. I asked Jin to serve everyone drinks, which he did. "And who's this, cutie?" Jungkook asked as Jin handed him a beer. "This is Jin. My baby if you know what I mean." I told them nudging Jungkook with my elbow. "Daddy?" Jin said as he sat on my lap. "Yes Baby?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Who are these people?" Jin asked me hiding his face in my neck. Everyone just laughed at his cuteness. "Baby, these are my childhood friends." I said gently taking his face out from my neck.
"Guys introduce yourselves." I said making, Jin look at all of them. "Sup I'm Yoongi and this is Jimin." Yoongi said. "Hi, I'm Hoseok." Hoseok said. "Hi I'm Jungkook and this is Tae." Jungkook told Jin. "H-hi guys." Jin said, nervously. Yoongi then held out his glass. "A toast to us!" We all smiled and held out our own glasses, except Jin who wasn't in the right space of mind to drink beer. "To us!" The rest of us shouted before chugging down our own bottles.
Jin P.O.V
Most of Daddy's fwiends we're acting strange and Daddy was acting a little strange, too. "D-daddy?" One of daddy's fwiends said. Yoongi, I think his name was, didn't respond to what the other had said. "Da-Daddy? Pwease..." Yoongi just picked him up and put him on the couch before going back to Daddy and the other guys. I watched the person on the couch cry and hug a pillow. "A-are you okay?" I asked him, he flinched and backed away from me. He was practically part of the couch, being so far into it and all. I gave him a fwiendly smile.
"It's okay. I won't hurt you." I said, going closer to him. He slowly came closer to me. "What's your name again? My name's Jin." He sniffled. "I-I'm Jimin..." He said. shyly. I looked at his white short shorts and light purple crop top. He was also wearing a white collar and light purple thigh highs. He's just like me! "I weally wuv your owfit, Jiminie!" He giggled and calmed down from crying. "T-tank you, Jinnie. I wuv yours, too!" I hugged him and he hugged me back. "Let's be fwiends, okay?" He nodded. "Okay! Let's play!" I giggled as we found some toys and played in the living room.
Third Person P.O.V
Tae wore a baby blue crop top with black stretchy short shorts. He had baby blue thigh highs and a baby blue collar. "Daddy?" Tae asked, tugging on Jungkook's shirt. He just ignored Tae. "Da-Daddy?" Tae asked again, he ignored Tae again. Tae walked off crying "Tae-Tae, what's wrong?" Jimin asked him in a worried tone. "M-my Daddy is ignoring me." He said hugging Jimin. "Do you want to play with us?" Jimin offered him. Tae thought for a moment before wiping his tears. "O-okay." Jimin smiled and brought Tae to meet Jin. "Oh, hi Jiminie! Who's that?" Tae smiled. "I'm Taehyung! It's nice to meet you, Jinnie!" Jimin grabbed a stuffed bunny. "Here Tae-Tae. Let's play!" Jimin said happily, holding a kitten toy while Jin held Koya. Just then, a little Hoseok came in holding a stuffed horse. He wore a white shirt and white short shorts. He had black suspenders and a black collar. He also had black thigh highs. "Can I pway wit you guys?" Tae giggled. "Of course you can, Hobi!" He smiled as all four littles played with their stuffed animals.
Namjoon P.O.V
"Where did, Jimin, Tae, and Hobi go?" I asked the other two. "I don't know." The two said. "I'm gonna go check the living room." I told them, they just nodded. "Baby, have you see-" I was cut off by little snores. I looked down and saw all of them asleep.
All four littles, Tae, Jin, Jimin, and Hoseok, were fast asleep in a small pile. Tae and Jimin were holding hands while Jin's face was cuddled up to Hoseok's face. Tae's back was pressed against Jin's chest and Hoseok was letting Jimin use his legs as a pillow. "Aww!" I whisper-yelled. I turned back towards the other guys. "Come here. Being your cameras, too." I whispered. They looked confused but did as told. Once they were both in the room, we all took thousands of pictures. "So cute~" Jungkook said, taking more photos. Yoongi nodded. "Our Babies are so adorable~" I smiled.
"Should we wake them up? It's getting late." Jungkook asked. I shook my head. "No, let them sleep. They need their rest." Yoongi sighed. "Then how will we get home? Y/N is usually the designated driver." I then got an idea. "You could always crash here for the night. Y'know, like old times." They seemed to think about it before answering. "I'm down. What about you, Kooks?" Yoongi said, looking at Jungkook. "Sure. Why not?" I chuckled. "It's settled then. There's a spare room upstairs to the left and the right. Or you could always sleep on the mattresses in my room." I said, putting a blanket over the sleeping littles. "We'll sleep on the mattresses. Your spare rooms are fucking cold." Yoongi said, making Jungkook silently laugh. I rolled my eyes. "Yup. Just like old times. Let's go." I said, bringing them up to my room.

The Gentle Daddy
FanfictionThe Daddies •gentle :Namjoon •rough:Yoongi •young :Jungkook The mommy •the shy: Y/N