Twenty Three

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Here I am sitting here early as hell at this doctors office. I haven't been feeling like myself lately so I decided to make a appointment just to be on the safe side.

"Hello Miss.Wilcox I'm nurse Jordan what seems to be the problem today?" The nurse asked. "Well I um been sick lately and I really want to know what's going on with me" I told her.
"Okay we'll I need to ask you a few questions then I will have you pee in this cup for me" Nurse Jordan said handing me a cup.


"Good morning sleepy head" I heard Trent say behind me. "Trent you got to get out of here like now before everyone wakes up" I told him worriedly. Trent didn't say anything he just nicely gathered his things. I got out of the bed and walked out the room behind him to walk him to the door.

"So this what we doing sis" I heard the voice of my best friend coming out of the kitchen along with Jaiden's parents and my children. " It's not what it look like Kenya" I tried to explain to her. "This man hurt you and you have him laying under the same roof as your kids" she said with a disapproval tone

" Look I didn't come to start any trouble Ken I understand the bad blood between us I apologize to Nicki also to her son last night and I meant it from the bottom of my heart" Trent told Kenya.

"Excuse me?" So you're the one who took my only baby away from me?" I heard Mrs.Brown say. "Ma'am I am so sorry I never meant to cause you any pain I was hurt I was angry the only woman I ever loved had given another man something that she told me she could never give me she had lied about not being able to bare any kids for me an-" Trent was cut off by the sound of Nicki voice.

"I got an abortion Trent" she blurted out. All eyes was now on Nicki everyone was wondering what was really going on with her one minute she remembers things and the next minute she doesn't. "I'm sorry" She told him.

"I don't think we should be doing this" I said as I laid on Marcus chest. "Doing what?" He asked. "This thing we doing sneaking around with each other your friends with the enemy" I told him sitting up. "We're grown Chanel what we doing don't have anything to do with anybody situation" Marcus told her.

Chanel wasn't hearing it she felt as if she was betraying her best friend by sleeping with the enemies best friend.
She knew that if Kenya Destinee or Nicki ever found out they would be mad at her but she really liked Marcus.


" Well Miss Wilcox it looks like your pregnant" Nurse Jordan told me. "Are you sure?" I asked her. "Yes ma'am I'm very sure it was tested twice" She told me. "Okay" was all o could managed to get out. "I'll set up your next appointment along with your prescription" The nurse said before walking out.

All I could do was sit here and think about how I was going to tell Marcus that I was carrying his child. Me and Marcus have been sleeping together for the last past few weeks. But as I think back I slipped up about two months ago and slept with Tristan. Yes my best friend husband. I've done the same thing to her that her sister had done. I was the club one night and he was there we both was drunk and he invited me back to his room and like I fool I fell for it.

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