I'll Sacrifice My Brain

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I shouldn't have fallen in love with you. We are rivals. We can't even be friends. You take this competition very seriously. No matter how much I try to approach you, you always have something up your sleeves to ruin things. 

I shouldn't have fallen in love with you. You hate me. You enjoy seeing me devastated. You love the view when I'm in grief.

I shouldn't have fallen in love with you. History must not repeat itself. Once is enough for me to suffer all those pain for trusting people who never deserved it. One heartbreak is enough. Shame on me, if I get fooled again for the second time around.

I shouldn't have fallen in love with you, but I did. I hate myself for allowing this to happen. I can't avoid myself of being selfless when love conquers my heart. All I think about is you. All I think about is your happiness. Emotions overpower reason.

Sacrifices? Is it even worth it? I chose you over everything.  I sacrificed my future in order to be happy today. Is it the right decision? 

Happiness does not rely within the achievements that we could get. Those things would pass. But, you chose everything over me. I was the least in your priority. You played safe and ensured your future. 

Brain or Heart, that was our choice. We were given the chance to choose where we would listen. But, you picked what I disregarded.  You opt for what I sacrificed. We always had different views. 

If I'll sacrifice my brain, you'll definitely ignore your heart... 

******Yow. 3rd Prologue Revision. Please take time to read this story! :D ~THNW

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