In the right then wrong ||48||

Start from the beginning


I an'it gone lie I see my sis and Jayen separated a lot and not talking to each other and I'm not talking about when Mana left I'm talking about the forth of July and before she didn't even wanna come hang with me because he was there

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I an'it gone lie I see my sis and Jayen separated a lot and not talking to each other and I'm not talking about when Mana left I'm talking about the forth of July and before she didn't even wanna come hang with me because he was there. I swear I'll be dammed if I let any nigga get into my sister's head. I don't play about that shit. I would love to see my sister with a successful young man instead of a drug dealer and a street hustler like me. I told Mana when she was little, to get a man like her. Successful, loyal and smart not someone like me and she agreed but when Jayen came there was love at first sight and I hated it to be honest and still do. But I agreed that I owed him a favor so I let him give her a try and he said he was gonna give her his all.

But. And I'm not saying that Jayen isn't smart, or successful but I'm saying he's not someone like her he's someone like me and he not loyal when it comes to girls. At all. I know him too much he always had problems keeping girlfriend's.

That's why I don't want Mana being with him.

She will see, watch.


"You always having hoes following you trying to suck your dick."

"Bruh chill on that man, I don't even know why you tripping I'm don't even know her!" I yelled at Mo

Mo is tripping because while we were out for breakfast at ihop the lady that told our orders and shit was drowling over me and Mo assume that we fucked when I don't even know her.

"Oh I'm your bruh now!?" I laughed shaking my head like this girl is really crazy. Turning into her mother.. "Say something! You breathless now?!" She yelled in my face

"Move," I walked away from her but she sped up in front of me pushing me

"No! Don't tell me to move, your a fucking cheater!" She said and I titled my head confused as fuck

"I'm a cheater? What the fuck, I didn't even know that girl but did I say anything about you cheating on me when you was talking to that nigga at the club? No! So I don't want to hear nothing about how I'm fucking cheating and  not even doing shit." Now she's just pissing me off like all we do is argue now then make up by having sex and don't get me wrong I love having sex with Mo but why every time we argue?

But she's insecure for fucking what? I should be the one that's insecure..

"We were on break then Jamell! If we're on break then I can do whatever the fuck I want,"

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