Rejected beings.
I'm one of them now. The creatures that are despised by the society so much as to make it legal to kill one for no reaosn whatsoever. I'm one of them now.
"HYA!" Hiromi exclaimed as he kicked the punching bag.
"WEAK! That's too weak, Hii-chan. If you're gonna work at Fabricated Feathers, you're gonna have to get a thousand times stronger than that!" Ayako hit the teen's back and as he kneels while feeling the excruciating pain, the woman brought together her left hand and right hand and after joining them, she said, "Let's get to it, chop chop! I ain't contented with bishies!!!"
"What the h---OOOF!!!" With another slap to the back, he struggled to stand up.
1. Ghouls do not have a place to belong.
2. Ghouls must learn to destroy those who destroy them.
3. Ghouls must learn to fend off for their own.
4. It is impotant to stay out of the CCG's radar.
5. It is important to stay at a ward that's suited for you.
6. It is important to act as humanly as possible.
7. It is one's own decision to think about love or not.
Hiromi is still throwing fists and kicks. He wasn't thinking about anything except that he must learn to kill EVERYONE who tries to kill him. He was so into finishing these lessons fast...little did he know that the world has something far worse to show him, something he would never have expected it to be.
The boy jogged backwards after giving a blow that sent the punching bag swinging nonstop. He clenched his fists, his left foot shifted to point left while the other still pointing at the ripped up thing. In a split second, his left hand went right through the punchbag and he was surprised himself. "This power is awesome. It's beyond awesome." He said while staring at his arm.
The teenager continued doing his own training as his teacher continuously replaces every punchbag he's broken down. Ayako would just smile when Hiromi takes a glance at her, with victory shouting in his eyes and his smile that looked like a 5-year-old obtaining a perfect score in a math test. She thought to herself that this little kid's got potential but he may only have that strong will now, later he'll regret he didn't die along with his mother...
I wonder what I'll do after I pass this woman's tests. With this power, I just might be able to live a worry-free life! Ah but of course, I'll still visit mom and dad's graves............and maybe find my real mother's.
Hiromi struck with great force, gave a turning long that sent the bag flying across two rooms. Ayako, herself, was dumbfounded.
"WOH! SENSEI! DID YOU---DID YOU SEE THAT?! OH FUCK!!! THAT WAS SO AWESOME!!!" He screamed joyfully. He was so bouncy he jumped up and down up and down excitedly.
"YEAH, THAT WAS COOL!!!" She flung her hands in the air. "BUTLISTENHERE, YOULITTLESHIT. THEHEADMASTERAIN'TTHATMUCH'OVASOFTIETOLETUSGOAFTERDESTROYINGHISBUILDING, YOUUNDERSTAND???!!!!!!" Ayako spoke without spaces between her words, she was talking so fast while slapping the boy again and again, the slapping was fast too. Poor kid.
"Aya-sensei." Someone called as the footsteps grew louder. "I heard something and---" What came out of the threshold was a girl, looking around the same age as Hiromi, stood still and petrified. Here's bonus info, every person in the 29th building is a girl; all the girl's life, she's never met a man since she was raised and automatically brought up into the organization by the Mad Clown herself and never has she seen once the head of the organization.

Unknown to the Person Within
Fanfiction*temporary title **late release of chapters until 2015 because of school sorry