love until you die

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-what?is.. is this a breakup?

Are you breaking up with me???

-come on babe, don't cry..

Please.. just don't cry..

-You're breaking my heart and you ask me not to cry? What else do you want?

If you don't like crying then go away I'm not gonna stop..

-Hey,jem look at me.Look at me!

-what the hell do you want Daren?

-Look, I don't know.

I love you. I love you no matter what's happening, no matter what everybody says, no matter what we've been through.. But do you think we have a choice baby?

I'm leaving! I'm freaking leaving!What are you gonna do without me?what am I gonna do without you knowing that you're here, waiting for me to come, waiting to see my face!

Waiting every single night for somebody to talk with you before you go to bed because you're scared.

I'll be miles away you think you can stand it? Do you think I can stand it?

-You're,I know you are..

But I love you Daren!

I love you more than you could ever imagine!

You're my life and I'd die for you! I'd give my life in a second to save you..

You're all I got!

Because you're always there,with your own way, even when you're not..

You always know what to say.. you're still with me no matter how I look ..

-will you shut up? You're beautiful! You're beautiful in every single way! I know you love me and I love you much more! I'd die a thousand times for you! There's no doupt about these things, I know you love me.

You know I love you.

But can this happen?

You think we can make it with any broken hearts and sleepless nights? Without tears?

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