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Author's Note: The quotation in this fic is actually part of Matthew 18:18, from the New Testament of the Bible. I spent hours looking for a biblical quote about eternal marriage, but the concept is never stated outright. However, you can find traces of it throughout the Old and New Testaments. Again, please vote/comment/follow to support the author. Happy reading! 


Beautiful. Thaumaturgic. Spellbinding. Captivating. Absolutely perfect. Those were the only words in Narcissa's mind, the ones that stuck, after her and Lucius consummated their marriage. She tried desperately to recount all the events that had happened in that immeasurable amount of time, and the feelings associated. Above all, she remembered three things. First, that he was exceedingly gentle with her, and would always ask if she was experiencing any pain. He knew that she was untouched and unbroken, and also very sensitive. Next, a clear, sparkling liquid poured from a crystal vile into her mouth, and then a small whisper saying, "It'll help ease the pain. I heard it hurts some, for you." Her whole body felt warm, tender, and slightly numb, especially the buds of her breasts and the special place between her legs, and her mind and soul were still trapped in unquestionable marital bliss, as she could still feel his lips and hands in all her intimate places. In fact, she was laying on top of him, her hair spread out on his muscular chest, and her face tucked. His hands were moving up and down in a repetitive pattern, tracing lightly from her concave waist to her delicately curved hips and back again. Sometimes, she would nuzzle his chest with her lips, and trace her fingers lightly down his torso, to make sure he was really there, and it was indeed Lucius sleeping below her, and not just a figment of her imagination.

As she did this, he would lean down to kiss his beloved's head, whispering soft sentiments in her ear.

The sun pales at your radiance, as it knows that it cannot possibly match the high caliber of your beauty. I love how your always so mannered and amicable around others. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Of course it didn't, I was there to break your fall.

However, one sentiment in particular, peaked her interest.

"I love you to the moon and back. For the rest of forever. For eternity." He muttered in her ear, nibbling at the soft skin just below her earlobe.

Eternity. The word bounced around in her otherwise void mind, arousing her consciousness. She couldn't help but smile at his preposterousness. "That's utterly ridiculous, darling, 'till death do us part', as our wedding vows put it."

Lucius heard her voice reverberating off his chest, her full lips gently brushing it. "...Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven...'" He mumbled, trying to give her some reason for his adamant fastidiousness.

Narcissa moved her head so her chin was resting on his chest, and so her sapphire eyes could meet his. He loved it when she looked at him like this. Her platinum hair hung lush and sensuous around her shoulders, messy and disheveled from the acts of earlier that night. Just one touch would make even the softest, finest silk seem coarse. Her eyes were smoking with a sort of innocence, cherubic in nature, unmatched by the things she'd seen. When he gazed downward, he saw her shoulders and collarbone, broad and svelte, lead to the soft swell of her tender breasts, all colored a forthcoming ashen tone to match his own.

She reached out her long, flexible hand to finger his lips. He probed each fingertip with his lips, nipping the delicate skin. "How poetic. I could have sworn I've heard that before... in my lessons with my tutor a lifetime ago, I presume.... Do you perhaps remember where you heard it?" Narcissa said in a low voice, barely audible.

Lucius ran a hand down her spine, teasing the small indentions of bone with his fingers. "I read it somewhere, I'm sure... in my endless, lonely hours spent in the library perhaps... however I can call upon a distant memory of a stained glass window, people dressed in finery, and my mother's lilting song...."

Narcissa melted into his touch, letting the gentle pressure applied to her back lull her into a state of subconsciousness. "Mmmmmm... that sounds....surreal.... like... like a dream or something...."

"Perhaps it was." Lucius said placidly, settling his arms on her waist.

There was a silence between the two of them, both thinking about nothing in particular, except maybe their deep love and devotion to one another.

"Well, real or not, I can't wait to spend at least the rest of my days with you, my love. I will be waiting for you when you wake." With that, the two impassioned lovers fell into a deep and peaceful sleep, Narcissa wondering how she ended up with someone as amazing as Lucius for her husband. She finally remembered why she did what she did this special night. Not for carnal lust, or pureblood, or glory, but for love. Pure, unconditional love. Love that will last a lifetime. Love that binds husband and wife together into something beautiful and profound. Their bond would be different now that they'd done the most sacred act any pair of lovers can do, but she still knew he'd be there, not just when they woke, but for the rest of her days. The rest of forever. Through good times and bad, they would be there to hurt, love, and heal together. To have children, and to cherish their little family, to the contrary of their own raising. She didn't know what tribulations were going to try their bond, but she knew that they would overcome whatever the whims of fate decided to throw at them. That night her joy was only matched by that of the world, her world, sleeping satedly and peacefully through the dark and treacherous night.

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