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Lance Mclain

I walked into the control room with Keith by my side. We thought we would be early to the meeting the rest of the team was having but unfortunetly we were late. 

As soon as we were in a clear view of the rest of the team Coran shot us a glare, "Didn't I tell you to be here in a varga?" he scowled. Honestly I'm confused but I looked over at Keith who was . "How long is a varga anywayas?" I asked. Coran shook his head at me and shooed me and Keith over and told us to go sit with the rest of the group. 

I sat down next to Keith which just so happened to be next to Pidgeon. Pidge elbowed me in the side while wiggling her eyebrows at me, "No Pidge..." I whispered. Pidge sighed and looked disappointed. 

Shiro coughed and stood up. "Okay, everyone I would like to say that in about 30 days we will be reaching earth. We are going to be landing in Pheonix Arizona and we will contact your families from there. I'm sorry but everyone on this ship will have to stay in the same apartment complex near the Garrison so that if we ever need to we can go back to space again.". For the most part Hunk, Pidge, and Matt were excited to go home. Allura and Coran looked kind of happy but confused. And Keith...Keith looked as tough he was going to explode from happiness. 

"Woah, chill out Mullet or else your gonna go all the way back to your time period!" I said jokingly. Keith glared at me but his glare softened and he smiled from ear to ear, "My sister could be back on Earth!" he said happily. I laughed. 

Keith has never been this happy ever. I should be happy for him. But I can't. Not with him on my mind. He'll get me and try to hurt me, maybe possibly Keith. My Dad is the definition of homophobic. 

When I told him I thought I liked boys and girls he....he raped me. He told me that what he had done was the only time I'd ever fuck with a guy. I made the mistake of trusting him to never do that to me again. But he still did. 

After a full on month of that torture I gave up and packed my bags and left for the Garrison without telling anyone.

And now here I am. He probably is going to hunt me down at the Garrison. 

I didn't even realize that I was crying and shaking until someone's arms wrapped around me. I looked up to see a familiar Gremblin cradiling me like a child. "Lance what's wrong?" she asked.I tried to speak in English but all that came out was a jumble of Spanish words, "Mi padre me violó y me va a conseguir por ser bisexual" I stuttered. Pidge's look of sympathy deepened, "Mi hermano Lance, esta bein. Él no puede atraparte" she said. 

I nodded and sniffled. I got up out of Pidge's arms and everyone's eyes were fixated on me. "¿Por qué todos me miran?" I screamed. Everyone just remained staring at me despite the question. Pidge pushed past me and waved her arms around screaming, "¡Has oído al hombre! ¡Que se jodan las perras!". 

Matt looked shocked. "Language Katie!" he said sternly. Pidge smirked, "English." she said then she walked out of the room. 

I wanted to laugh but nothing would come out. "Lance it's fine. I'm sure almost everyone on the ship is LGBT+ but Hunk so you'll be fine. And if your Dad does come after you he'll have to get through Shiro and his tough guy act first." he said. 

I nodded and wiped my eyes. Keith stood up and walked in front of Matt, "Besides, we're homosapiens. Not fucking heterosapiens" Keith said jokingly. I laughed, "True". 

this chapter sucked. but im still a homosapien. dont ask frickin questions.

go in peace my friends

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